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sendmail user authentication

Dave van Nierop

sendmail user authentication

I am running sendmail 8.9.3 and trying to send emails to a smart host (DS macro) that is running CommuniGate Pro 4.1 software. When I use /usr/lib/sendmail -v user@domain and enter a sample message, the session fails with "575 root@domain.com sender requires authentication"
/etc/mail/sendmail.cf is not using user authentication option.

However, if I telnet directly to the CommuniGate smtp port and enter the ehlo, mail from:, rcpt to:, data, etc. it succeeds. Conclusion is that I am bypassing the hp-ux 11.11 sendmail.

PS: I tried running sendmail in debug mode using flags "-v -d8.99 -d 38.99" as well but can't find anything to pin this down.

Anybody have any ideas?
Mark Greene_1
Honored Contributor

Re: sendmail user authentication

Are you using domain masquerading? If not, do you get different results with it configured (DM=default domain)?

the future will be a lot like now, only later
Dave van Nierop

Re: sendmail user authentication

DM is set, but exact same symptom.
Mark Greene_1
Honored Contributor

Re: sendmail user authentication

Try with these debug options:

-d0.4 -d1 -d6 -d8.1 -d10 -d11 -d20.1 -d40.4 -d42.2

hopefully there will be something in there that shows you at what point in the process the 575 is being generated, which in turn will point to what piece is broken/not configured right.

the future will be a lot like now, only later