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Horia Chirculescu
Honored Contributor



I have an old cluster - 4 nodes all running HP-UX 11.23

[dbn2]:/ #uname -a
HP-UX dbn2 B.11.23 U 9000/800 2366611327 unlimited-user license
[dbn2]:/ #

[app1]:/ #uname -a
HP-UX app1 B.11.23 U 9000/800 2777543050 unlimited-user license
[app1]:/ #

The problem is that one node -app1- does not have serviceguard installed anymore. It seems that after one re-imaging of the boot disks, the image used did not contained this software installed when it was initially taken.

Is there a way I could download an image that will allow installation of those packages:

 T1905BA                               A.11.17.00     Serviceguard


 B8325BA                               A.05.00        Serviceguard Manager

This is an old installation (2005-2006) and the original media is missing.

Thank you.

Best regards from Romania,

Re: Serviceguard

> Is there a way I could download an image that will allow installation of those packages:

Do you have an active support contract with HPE for these systems? If not then the answer is no. If yes it will probably still be fairly complex as 11.17 has been out of support for a long time. The response centre may be able to find you a copy of that release somewhere, but it won't be at the usual download locations for HP-UX software even if you do have a support contract.

I am an HPE Employee
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