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Re: SGeRAC Issue

New Member

SGeRAC Issue

Hi every body.
I have a two node cluster with SGeRAC.
I use ASM and SLVM in my SGeRAC.
I created a shared volume group for Clusterware and another one for RAC.I installed the CRS and RAC instances . the problem is I cannot see my database instances and RAC name in cluster administrator GUI. There is a tab that is suppose to show the name of the database and it's instances.
Is that an important issue?
I have attached the cluster GUI screenshot.
Thanks in advance
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: SGeRAC Issue


This is an investigation.

You need to look at the oracle logs and look for reasons for this happening.

You should state your OS level and version numbers of Oracle and SG for better help.

Look at /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log for clues as well as any log files in your cluster package scripts.

What are you actually doing with Serviceguard anyway?

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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New Member

Re: SGeRAC Issue

I use SGeRAC 11.17 with HP UX 11.23 and Oracle 10g r2. I use SG for ASM over SLVM.
I haven't configure any package yet. and i know this problem doesn't have anything to do with the package,the database name should be apear in the cluster properties page as soon as we install the RAC.