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Share folder from windows (2003) to hp unix (11.31)

Regular Advisor

Share folder from windows (2003) to hp unix (11.31)



I want to share folder from windows (2003) to hp unix (11.31) by using CIFS, I requested to open all required ports by directional










is there other port or services or software i need to installed on windows server, because between two windows and UNIX servers on same subnet i can mount the shared folder successfully on unix

but between 2 different subnet I facing request time out.


please your support




P.S. This thread has been moved from Operating Systems >HP-UX >System Administration to HP-UX > networking-HP Forum Moderator

Honored Contributor

Re: Share folder from windows (2003) to hp unix (11.31)

That list of ports looks like it's intended for NFS fileshares, not for CIFS.


For CIFS, you would want ports 137-139 (both TCP and UDP) and 445 (TCP only).


Regular Advisor

Re: Share folder from windows (2003) to hp unix (11.31)


OK these ports including in this range 100 - 1000 but still i can't mount windows folder, as following

# cifsmount -s //win/Bills_Test /unix -U user -P 123456 -I
LOC: Netbios session refused
LOC: Netbios session refused

is there any thing we need to do on windows server

Honored Contributor

Re: Share folder from windows (2003) to hp unix (11.31)

What OS version is used on the Windows server?


Is the Windows server a member of an AD domain?


If it is, does the server allow non-domain members to access its fileshares?

(If not, can you get the HP-UX server joined to the Windows domain?)


The cifsmount command seems to be trying to use the older NetBIOS style, which may be refused by newer versions of Windows by default.

Regular Advisor

Re: Share folder from windows (2003) to hp unix (11.31)



it's windows server 2003, this server on different network where i make nating ip for unix server to reach this server and i opened all port from all firewall but still i can't reach this server and i try to use NFS but i facing the same issue


mount -F nfs /unix-folder

nfs mount: : RPC: Rpcbind failure - RPC: Timed out
nfs mount: retrying: /unix-folder
nfs mount: : RPC: Rpcbind failure - RPC: Timed out
nfs mount: giving up on: /unix-folder



Honored Contributor

Re: Share folder from windows (2003) to hp unix (11.31)

NAT might or might not be a problem, depending on implementation details.


NFS will only work if you install and configure the NFS server service from the "Windows Services For Unix" package (available for free from Microsoft) or some other NFS server software package to your Windows system.


By default, Windows Server 2003 does not understand nor support the NFS protocol at all, only CIFS.


The message "RPC: Rpcbind failure - RPC: Timed out" means HP-UX is trying to access the SunRPC portmapper (in port 111, normally available with both TCP and UDP) on the Windows system, but Windows is not responding. This is normal and expected in a default Server 2003 installation: it has no SunRPC services (like NFS) at all.

Regular Advisor

Re: Share folder from windows (2003) to hp unix (11.31)



i have successfully  mount the shared NFS folder from windows to unix but i facing other issue when i try to access this folder


# mount -o soft /unix-folder


# bdf


NFS access failed for server error 7 (RPC: Authentication error)
51252956 40110084 11142872 78% /unix-folder


#cd /unix-folder
NFS access failed for server error 7 (RPC: Authentication error)
sh: /unix-folder: The specified directory is not valid.



please your support



Honored Contributor

Re: Share folder from windows (2003) to hp unix (11.31)

The Windows server needs some way to map the Unix user identities of incoming requests to Windows usernames. In the "Windows Services for Unix" package, there are multiple ways to set up the mapping.


You are trying to access the Windows filesystem as root. The equivalent user on the Windows system would be the Administrator account, and for security reasons, the NFS service is definitely not going to allow you admin access to the Windows system through NFS. Even among Unix hosts, there is a standard convention to treat the "root" user of the NFS client system as the "nobody" user when accessing NFS filesystems, unless root access is explicitly granted.


Find out how the Windows system is configured to map the Unix users to Windows users on the NFS shares, and then either pick a suitable non-root Unix user account for your tests, or fix the mapping so that the Unix root account will be mapped to some Windows user with an appropriate set of Windows-style group memberships and/or permissions.