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su: USERDB: Unable to read from /var/adm/userdb/44. Run userdbck | HP-UX B.11.31

Occasional Contributor

su: USERDB: Unable to read from /var/adm/userdb/44. Run userdbck | HP-UX B.11.31

Hi everyone,

Hope evryone is doing good.

I am getting an error while switching the one user to  another 

Error Description:

from user account 

$ su
setgroups: Not owner
setgroups: Not owner
su: Unable to initialize group access list

from the root user:

su: USERDB: Unable to read from /var/adm/userdb/44. Run userdbck.

Kindly share any information regarding this error.

Thankyou ffor your time in advance


Jason D


Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: su: USERDB: Unable to read from /var/adm/userdb/44. Run userdbck | HP-UX B.11.31

> su: USERDB: Unable to read from /var/adm/userdb/44. Run userdbck.

   And _did_ you ("Run userdbck")?  What happened when you did that?

      man userdbck

> Kindly share any information regarding this error.

   I know nothing about it, so probably one of us should try a Forum or
Web search for terms like, say: userdbck

   What did _you_ find when _you_ did that?

Valued Contributor

Re: su: USERDB: Unable to read from /var/adm/userdb/44. Run userdbck | HP-UX B.11.31

As Steven says, you'll have to run the commands to find more. But if your question is simply asking more information for the errors you are seeing, here it is:


The errors you are encountering while switching users with the su command are related to permissions and system file access issues. Here's how you can address each error:

  1. Error: "setgroups: Not owner" and "su: Unable to initialize group access list"

    • These errors typically occur due to insufficient permissions when attempting to switch users. The setgroups function is failing because the user executing the su command does not have the necessary rights to change group memberships.
    • Resolution: Ensure that the user has appropriate permissions to switch to the target user. This might involve adjusting the user's group memberships or using a user with higher privileges (like root) to make these changes. Additionally, check the permissions of the su binary itself; it should have the setuid bit set, typically shown as rwsr-xr-x.
  2. Error: "su: USERDB: Unable to read from /var/adm/userdb/44. Run userdbck"

    • This error indicates a problem with the user database file /var/adm/userdb/44, which might be corrupted or inaccessible.
    • Resolution: Run the userdbck command as suggested in the error message. This command checks and repairs inconsistencies in user database files. You might need root privileges to execute this command effectively. If the issue persists, check the permissions and ownership of the /var/adm/userdb directory and its contents to ensure that they are readable by the system.

Re: su: USERDB: Unable to read from /var/adm/userdb/44. Run userdbck | HP-UX B.11.31

Hello @jason-dr,

Let us know if you were able to resolve the issue.

If you have no further query and you are satisfied with the answer then kindly mark the topic as Solved so that it is helpful for all community members.

Sunitha G
I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Occasional Contributor

Re: su: USERDB: Unable to read from /var/adm/userdb/44. Run userdbck | HP-UX B.11.31

@shuff  @Steven Schweda 

Hi everyone,

Hope evryone is doing good.

I am still facing this issue if you had any trouble shoot methods Kindly share

Thankyou ffor your time in advance


Jason D

Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: su: USERDB: Unable to read from /var/adm/userdb/44. Run userdbck | HP-UX B.11.31

> [...] if you had any trouble shoot methods Kindly share

   Same as before:

>    What did _you_ find when _you_ did that?

   Still wondering.