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System call to flush or null a file

Regular Advisor

System call to flush or null a file

Hi ,


What is the system call from unix end to flush or nullify a file.

am thinking of starting auditing of my hpux boxxes 11.23 ,  wherein some major system calls to be monitored for some users.

like root oracle , application user.


what should i use "audevent -P -s ????"  here to catch hold of someone trying to flush a file  or flushed a file .

Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: System call to flush or null a file

To catch trying to reset the EOF of a file, you need to look for open with O_TRUNC.

Regular Advisor

Re: System call to flush or null a file

Hi Dennis ,



Also i have observed that "rm " is not getting captured via auditing  i.e audevent  is there any way i can track it ??? 

Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: System call to flush or null a file

>I have observed that "rm" is not getting captured


rm is an unlink(2).

Regular Advisor

Re: System call to flush or null a file

Hi Dennis ,


Can i have auditing enabled only for some specific commands  and for some specific users ONLY like ,



rm -rf

someone flushing  a file

someone renaming a file

someone copying a file

Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: System call to flush or null a file

>Can I have auditing enabled only for some specific commands?


Only if you log execution of that command.  I.e. open that executable.

Or there is a system call that the command does.

I assume if you have auditing turned on, you can filter for specific users.


>someone renaming a file


This is a rename.


>someone copying a file


This is some opening that file.

Regular Advisor

Re: System call to flush or null a file

Hi Dennis ,


I didnt get it.


Only if you log execution of that command, open that executable.

Or there is a system that the command does.

Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: System call to flush or null a file

>I didn't get it.


I've updated the post and fixed a few missing words.

Respected Contributor

Re: System call to flush or null a file

Hi Matti ,


Can you please help me here with your inputs.

Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: System call to flush or null a file

>Can you please help me here with your inputs?


What's your question?