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The answers you really wanted to give ---!!

James Specht
Trusted Contributor

Re: The answers you really wanted to give ---!!

I love techworld's "excuse of the day". It's always good for a laugh.


"Everyone can be taught to sculpt: Michelangelo would have had to be taught how not to. So it is with the great programmers."
Michael Schulte zur Sur
Honored Contributor

Re: The answers you really wanted to give ---!!

funny things indead.

PC hotline:
U:My pc doesn├В┬┤t do anything.
H:What do you mean, it dosn├В┬┤t do anything.
U:It doesn├В┬┤t do anything.
H:Ok, switch it on and tell me, what happens.
U:Ok, some numbers appear on the screen, now it rumbles a bit and now it doesn├В┬┤t do anything.
H:What do you see on the screen?
H:Ok, type word.
U:Thank you!
Next morning.
U:Yesterday I started to write a letter. Now I want to continue. How do I do it?
H:What name did you assign to your letter?
U:Letters don├В┬┤t have names around here!

This was a classic IUIE, or isufficient user intelligence error.

does anyone know these taglines from fido?

backup not found: a)bort, r)etry, p)anic
coffee not found, operator halted.
reality.sys corrupted. reboot uni

Re: The answers you really wanted to give ---!!

Hi ,

Q: I had problem installing MySQL ....Shall I try something else ..?
A: No ..Try MySQL ;-). It is good . I had no problem with that.
We Learn the most When We have to Invent
Uwe Zessin
Honored Contributor

Re: The answers you really wanted to give ---!!

Fun from the ITRC team?

The attached picture is not made up!!
Dave Hutton
Honored Contributor

Re: The answers you really wanted to give ---!!

I have so many. But, the most recent was when a person from the networking group came to me after a night of endless notifications from ITO about networking issues.

Network guy "Is ITO fixed?"
Me "Is your network fixed?"

How easy it is to blame things on the messenger =)