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unable to get pty in hp - ux

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unable to get pty in hp - ux



i am getting "unable  to get pty" error while logging to the hpux server using vnc. I get this error only for non root users during vnc session (with gui).

It has 11.31 OS version.

Do i need to change any kernel setting ?



thanks in advance




Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: unable to get pty in HP-UX

Have you looked at npty(5)?  I'm not sure if kcusage will tell you how close you are?


Re: unable to get pty in HP-UX

Hi Dennis,


Please see below findings.


[3] % kctune |grep -i npty
npty                               1000  1000
[4] % kcusage |grep -i npty
npty                        0 / 1000
[5] %



Occasional Advisor

Re: unable to get pty in HP-UX

There are actually 3 types of pty (pseudo terminal device files). Be sure to adjust nstrpty and nstrtel as well as npty. Rather than try to analyze which type of conection is being used, just make all 3 = 1000. You can use SAM so that the device files will be automatically created. Unfortunately, SMH dropped this very useful feature, so after adjusting the parameters to 1000, be sure to run insf to create the device files:


insf -e -n 1000 -p 1000 -s 1000


Re: unable to get pty in HP-UX

Hi leewilliam99,


As per you have suggested, i have set the entries of nspty,nstrpty and nstrtel to 1000. And while executing the command given by you for creating the device files,  i got below error.


[5] % insf -e -n 1000 -p 1000 -s 1000
insf: Invalid range for autochanger cartridges -- 1000
usage: insf [-d driver | -C class] [-H hw_path] [-I instance] [-D dir] [-q|-v]
            [-e] [-n npty] [-s nstrpty]
usage: insf [-v] -L
[6] %



Occasional Advisor

Re: unable to get pty in HP-UX

Oops, drop the -p option.


insf -e -n 1000 -s 1000


Re: unable to get pty in HP-UX

still no luck...getting same error messages for non root user..

# kctune |grep -i npty
npty 1000 1000
# kctune |grep -i nstrpty
nstrpty 1000 1000
# kctune |grep -i nstrtel
nstrtel 1000 1000
# insf -e -n 1000 -s 1000
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver ptym
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver ptys

Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: unable to get pty in HP-UX

>getting same error messages for non root user.


Did you check the kcusage of the nstrpty and nstrtel to see if you need more than 1000?


Re: unable to get pty in HP-UX

Hi Dennis,



Below are the kusage for npty, nstrpty and nstrtel.


[6] % kcusage |grep npty
npty                        0 / 1000
[7] % kcusage |grep nstrpty
nstrpty                     1 / 1000
[8] % kcusage |grep nstrtel
nstrtel                     0 / 1000
[9] %


Do i need to increase kcusage also using sam ?


Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: unable to get pty in HP-UX

>Do I need to increase kcusage also using sam?


As leewilliam99 said, that would be easier if you were on 11.23.

But it does seem strange that you have "no" usage but you get that error.