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Upgrade hard drives and configure raid 5

Regular Advisor

Upgrade hard drives and configure raid 5

Dear Expert's,


I have the following hardware structure and planning to updgrade the hard drives by adding more 4 hdd to the existing structure.


I will be really grateful and thankful to you if you can please provide me a step to add the new 4 hdd to the existing array controller, configure raid 5 and create a new logical volumne group.



sautil /dev/ciss0                       Extensive Output (in detail)



****                                                                      ****

****             S A U T I L   S u p p o r t   U t i l i t y              ****

****                                                                      ****

****             for the HP SmartArray RAID Controller Family             ****

****                                                                      ****

****                           version A.02.15                            ****

****                                                                      ****

****  (C) Copyright 2003-2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.   ****



---- DRIVER INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------


  Driver State........................ READY


---- CONTROLLER INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------


  Controller Product Number........... P400

  Controller Product Name............. HP PCIe SmartArray P400

  Hardware Path....................... 0/6/0/0/0/0/4/0/0/0

  Serial Number....................... PAFGL0T9SYV0SR

  Device File......................... /dev/ciss0

  Hardware Revision................... 'E'

  Boot Block Revision................. 0.04

  Firmware Revision (running)......... 7.08

  Firmware Revision (in ROM).......... 7.08

  Firmware Revision (inactive)........ 7.08

  # of Logical Drives................. 1

  # of Physical Disks Configured...... 3

  # of Physical Disks Detected........ 4

  Logical Drive Rebuild Priority...... 0   (low)

  Array Capacity Expansion Priority... 0   (low)

  Auto-Fail Missing Disks at Boot..... disabled

  SCSI Transfer Detection Mode........ Auto Detect

  Controller Path Selection Method.... default

  Max # of Logical Drives............. 64  Last firmware lockup................ 0

---- ARRAY ACCELERATOR (CACHE) INFORMATION -----------------------------------


  Array Accelerator Board Present?.... yes

  Cache Configuration Status.......... cache enabled

  Cache Ratio......................... 25% Read / 75% Write

  Total Cache Size (MB)............... 208

    Read Cache........................ 052

    Write Cache....................... 156

    Transfer Buffer................... 000

  Battery Pack Count.................. 1

  Battery Status (pack #1)............ ok


---- LOGICAL DRIVE SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------


       #   RAID      Size        Status  


       0   5        279960 MB    OK       


---- SAS/SATA DEVICE SUMMARY -------------------------------------------------


  Location  Ct Enc Bay       WWID           Type        Capacity Status


  internal  2I   1   8  0x5000c500235b646d  DISK       146.8 GB  OK       

  internal  2I   1   7  0x5000c500235df251  DISK       146.8 GB  OK       

  internal  2I   1   6  0x5000c500235e1449  DISK       146.8 GB  OK       

  internal  2I   1   5  0x5000c500235d1425  DISK       146.8 GB  SPARE


---- SAS/SATA ENCLOSURE SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------


  Location  Ct   Enc  Expander_count    Bay_count     SEP_count    


  internal  1I   1    0                 4             1             

  internal  2I   1    0                 4             1              


---- LOGICAL DRIVE 0 ---------------------------------------------------------


  Logical Drive Device File........... /dev/dsk/c0t0d0

  Fault Tolerance Mode................ RAID 5 (Distributed Data Guarding)

  Logical Drive Size.................. 279960 MB   

  Logical Drive Status................ OK       

  # of Participating Physical Disks... 3




  Participating Physical Disk(s)...... Ct:Enc:Bay:WWID





  Participating Spare Disk(s)......... Ct:Enc:Bay:WWID



  Stripe Size......................... 64 KB

  Logical Drive Cache Status.......... cache enabled

  Configuration Signature............. 0xAC0A0442

  Media Exchange Detected?............ no


Awaiting for your kind reply.





P.S. this thread has beenmoevd from Integrity Servers to HP-UX > sysadmin. - Hp Forum moderator

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Upgrade hard drives and configure raid 5

What do you want to do?


Create a new RAID5 or extend the existing?

Hope this helps!

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Regular Advisor

Re: Upgrade hard drives and configure raid 5

Hi Torsten,


Thanks for the response.


I want to extend the existing RAID 5 with the new 4 HDD.



Regular Advisor

Re: Upgrade hard drives and configure raid 5

So out of 8 drives 1 will be as spare. 7 will be for Raid 5

Regular Advisor

Re: Upgrade hard drives and configure raid 5

Dear Torsten,


Below is the current stucture of the array controller after adding the new drives to it.


---- LOGICAL DRIVE SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------

# RAID Size Status

0 5 279960 MB OK

---- SAS/SATA DEVICE SUMMARY -------------------------------------------------

Location Ct Enc Bay WWID Type Capacity Status

internal 1I 1 4 0x5000c5000bfe9b49 DISK 146.8 GB UNASSIGNED
internal 1I 1 3 0x5000c5000bfe76e5 DISK 146.8 GB UNASSIGNED
internal 1I 1 2 0x5000c5000c04bda5 DISK 146.8 GB UNASSIGNED
internal 1I 1 1 0x5000c5000bfe9c85 DISK 146.8 GB UNASSIGNED
internal 2I 1 8 0x5000c500235b646d DISK 146.8 GB OK
internal 2I 1 7 0x5000c500235df251 DISK 146.8 GB OK
internal 2I 1 6 0x5000c500235e1449 DISK 146.8 GB OK
internal 2I 1 5 0x5000c500235d1425 DISK 146.8 GB SPARE

---- SAS/SATA ENCLOSURE SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------

Location Ct Enc Expander_count Bay_count SEP_count

internal 1I 1 0 4 1
internal 2I 1 0 4 1

---- LOGICAL DRIVE 0 ---------------------------------------------------------

Logical Drive Device File........... /dev/dsk/c0t0d0
Fault Tolerance Mode................ RAID 5 (Distributed Data Guarding)
Logical Drive Size.................. 279960 MB
Logical Drive Status................ OK
# of Participating Physical Disks... 3

Participating Physical Disk(s)...... Ct:Enc:Bay:WWID

Participating Spare Disk(s)......... Ct:Enc:Bay:WWID

Stripe Size......................... 64 KB
Logical Drive Cache Status.......... cache enabled
Configuration Signature............. 0xAC0A0442
Media Exchange Detected?............ no



Need your advice please whether we should go with extending the existing raid 5 or can create the new one with the new hdd's.


Can you please provide me the steps to the same regards.


Awaiting for your reply.


Thansk & Regards

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Upgrade hard drives and configure raid 5

To be safe, take an ignite backup first.


add the disks now:

# saconfig /dev/ciss0 -E 1 -p 1l:1:1 -p 1l:1:2 -p 1l:1:3 -p 1l:1:4

Send saconfig again, please.

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

No support by private messages. Please ask the forum!

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Regular Advisor

Re: Upgrade hard drives and configure raid 5



Thansk for the response.


Below given commonds  will create the new group or will extend the existing  the Raid 5.


We can create or extend the raid without going offline?


# saconfig /dev/ciss0 -E 1 -p 1l:1:1
# saconfig /dev/ciss0 -E 1 -p 1l:1:2
# saconfig /dev/ciss0 -E 1 -p 1l:1:3
# saconfig /dev/ciss0 -E 1 -p 1l:1:4


Please correct me if am wrong in the below commonds.


Below commond : To extend the capacity of the specified logical drive up to larger capacity. It means to extend the existing raid?

saconfig /dev/cissX -E logical_drive -c capacity

Below commond: To expand the specified logical drive and others in an array by physical drive(s). It mens to create the new group?

saconfig /dev/cissX -E logical_drive -p physical_drive_id


Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Upgrade hard drives and configure raid 5

From man page:

To expand the specified logical drive and others in an array by
physical drive(s)

saconfig /dev/cissX -E <Logical drive #> -p <physical_drive_id>
[-p <physical_drive_id> ... ]

The commands will expand the RAID5, so you will have 7 disks in this RAID5.

Now you can extend the existing logical drive within this RAID5 or create a new logical drive within this RAID5 - it depends on what you want to do.

You may also create a NEW raid5 with a new logical drive.

Please let me know.

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

No support by private messages. Please ask the forum!

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Regular Advisor

Re: Upgrade hard drives and configure raid 5

Thanks for the repsonse. Highly appreciated.


>The commands will expand the RAID5, so you will have 7 disks in this RAID5.


This sounds great.


>>Now you can extend the existing logical drive within this RAID5 or create a new logical drive within this RAID5 - it depends on what you want to do. You may also create a NEW raid5 with a new logical drive.


Here i want to let know that my actual aim is to add the new hdrives to the array controller, initialize it with the current raid configuration to utilize the new space by creating the new mount points with the required sizes.


Do i really need to create the new logical drive or we can use the existing one. Also please let me know whether this task can be accomplished without going offline, i mean no need to shutownd or restart the servers?


After initialising the new drives do i need to create new logical volume group for the new mount points or can use the same lvm group i.e. vg00


FYR, Current structure of the mount point as below.


Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
/dev/vg00/lvol3 1048576 648752 396792 62% /
/dev/vg00/lvol1 1835008 506680 1318008 28% /stand
/dev/vg00/lvol8 8912896 6133840 2773328 69% /var
/dev/vg00/lvol7 5963776 3407832 2536096 57% /usr
/dev/vg00/lvo19 62914560 42839555 18820442 69% /u01
/dev/vg00/lvol4 524288 98712 423392 19% /tmp
/dev/vg00/lvol6 9043968 7000816 2027312 78% /opt
/dev/vg00/lvol5 131072 5432 124664 4% /home
/dev/vg00/lvo20 104857600 49634688 51771613 49% /backup


Following is the vg details:

mcmsdbl1@root@/>#vgdisplay -v
--- Volume groups ---
VG Name /dev/vg00
VG Write Access read/write
VG Status available
Max LV 255
Cur LV 11
Open LV 11
Max PV 16
Cur PV 1
Act PV 1
Max PE per PV 4370
PE Size (Mbytes) 64
Total PE 4360
Alloc PE 4266
Free PE 94
Total PVG 0
Total Spare PVs 0
Total Spare PVs in use 0
VG Version 1.0
VG Max Size 4370g
VG Max Extents 69920

--- Logical volumes ---
LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol1
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 1792
Current LE 28
Allocated PE 28
Used PV 1

LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol2
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 8192
Current LE 128
Allocated PE 128
Used PV 1

LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol3
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 1024
Current LE 16
Allocated PE 16
Used PV 1

LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol4
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 2048
Current LE 32
Allocated PE 32
Used PV 1

LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol5
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 128
Current LE 2
Allocated PE 2
Used PV 1

LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol6
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 16448
Current LE 257
Allocated PE 257
Used PV 1

LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol7
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 5824
Current LE 91
Allocated PE 91
Used PV 1

LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol8
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 16384
Current LE 256
Allocated PE 256
Used PV 1

LV Name /dev/vg00/lvo19
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 61440
Current LE 960
Allocated PE 960
Used PV 1

LV Name /dev/vg00/lvo20
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 102400
Current LE 1600
Allocated PE 1600
Used PV 1

LV Name /dev/vg00/lvo22
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 57344
Current LE 896
Allocated PE 896
Used PV 1

--- Physical volumes ---
PV Name /dev/disk/disk1_p2
PV Status available
Total PE 4360
Free PE 94
Autoswitch On
Proactive Polling On


Thanks & Best Regards

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Upgrade hard drives and configure raid 5

Here is the background:


You create a RAID on physical disks.

Currently you have a single logical disk within this RAID.


Now you can either create a new RAID on the new disks or extend the existing RAID with the new disks.


If you extend the RAID, you can either extend the logical drive within this RAID (this is the "disk" used for vg00) or create another logical drive within the same RAID (this would be another "disk" from OS point of view.



I would extend the existing RAID (see commands above) and then create a new logical drive, if you want to use this for a new VG.


Keep in mind VG00 should be only used for OS, not for data.


Is this what you want to do?


You already have 11 LVOLs, maybe you want to extend your VG00 "disk"?

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

No support by private messages. Please ask the forum!

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