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Re: URGENT: Check Disk quotas

Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: URGENT: Check Disk quotas

Try using plain old telnet from your PC to bypass all the Xwindows code. When you use su with a - you are performing a complete login including profiles. Without the - the login bypasses the profiles.

I suspect there may be some special code in the login profiles, so put this in the front of /etc/profile:

set -x

This will trace each step as you login. The previous traces were run on .profile independent of the login process so this will at least isolate the step where the hang occurs.

Bill Hassell, sysadmin
Ahmed M. AlShafiy
Regular Advisor

Re: URGENT: Check Disk quotas

can you please provide me with the full command?
Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: URGENT: Check Disk quotas

Use vi to edit the file /etc/profile
Insert one line that looks like this:

set -x

Close the file. Now everyone that logs into your system will have all the steps in /etc/profile displayed. If there is a hyang, you will see the steps preceeding the hang. Note that you will have to remove the set -x line once you determine where the hang occurs.

Bill Hassell, sysadmin