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VXFEN vxfenadm ERROR V-11-2-1115 Local node is not a member of cluster!

New Member

VXFEN vxfenadm ERROR V-11-2-1115 Local node is not a member of cluster!

Hello All,

After start the CFS Cluster, all nodes of cluster has reboot, and log of cluster, you can see :

07/11/08 10:16:58 /sbin/vxfenadm -d
VXFEN vxfenadm ERROR V-11-2-1115 Local node is not a member of cluster!
07/11/08 10:16:58 ERROR: Failed to start VXFEN
07/11/08 10:16:58 ERROR: Could not start veritas stack
Chauhan Amit
Respected Contributor

Re: VXFEN vxfenadm ERROR V-11-2-1115 Local node is not a member of cluster!

Can you pls provide me following so that i can suggest something :
a)How many nodes cluster this is ? SG Version ?
b) Was it working earlier ? if yes , then what changed
c) # cat /etc/vxfenmode
d) # vxfenconfig -V output from all nodes
e) syslog and /etc/cmcluster/cfs/SG-CFS-pkg.log

If you are not a part of solution , then you are a part of problem
New Member

Re: VXFEN vxfenadm ERROR V-11-2-1115 Local node is not a member of cluster!

- Two Nodes.
- SG version
A.11.18.00 Serviceguard
A.11.18.00 Serviceguard Extension for RAC
A.02.00 HP Serviceguard Cluster File System for RAC

- First Installation

/root # ll /etc/vxfenmode
/etc/vxfenmode not found
/root #

vxfenconfig -v

I/O Fencing Version Information:

Minimum Protocol Version: 2
Maximum Protocol Version: 2
Current Protocol Version: 2
Fencing Major Version: 2
Fencing Minor Version: 1

HP-UX 11.31

Re: VXFEN vxfenadm ERROR V-11-2-1115 Local node is not a member of cluster!

Have you been here:


And made sure *all* the patches in the reccomended patch bundle for 11iv3 (at the bottom of the page) are installed?



I am an HPE Employee
Accept or Kudo
Chauhan Amit
Respected Contributor

Re: VXFEN vxfenadm ERROR V-11-2-1115 Local node is not a member of cluster!

Can you try starting the cluster after creating the following file:


# vxfen configuration file

This file has to be created on all the nodes. Let me know if this works.
If you are not a part of solution , then you are a part of problem
Stephen Doud
Honored Contributor

Re: VXFEN vxfenadm ERROR V-11-2-1115 Local node is not a member of cluster!

I agree with Duncan... most of the startup problems with SG-CFS-pkg can be traced to incomplete patching. Please reference the site that he directed you to and if you believe you patched completely, verify that all of the patches installed correctly, on EVERY node in the cluster.