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Ximian Gnome Keymapping

Mike Reardon
Occasional Contributor

Ximian Gnome Keymapping

I have installed Ximian Gnome 1.4 on a B2000 workstation running HP/UX 11.11.

I want to change the default keymapping so that the left control key - 3rd mouse button combination will open the menu selection in an xterm window. How do I change the keymapping?
Alex Glennie
Honored Contributor

Re: Ximian Gnome Keymapping

"menu selection" ???

Are you talking the VT options menu ? If so try ?
Mike Reardon
Occasional Contributor

Re: Ximian Gnome Keymapping

Control-middle mouse button gives a Gnome menu, not the VT options menu. The Control key has been re-mapped by Gnome for a different function, and I want to restore it to the CDE mapping.
Alex Glennie
Honored Contributor

Re: Ximian Gnome Keymapping

I tried both CDE and gnome on a J-class on 11.00 before posting : I'm still no clearer or I am not seeing the same functionality as you.

So the 3rd mouse button for an xterm client yields what under CDE then ? a screendump maybe of use ? ( xwd/xwud )

Presumably you then want the same functionality under gnome.

I'm suspecting this maybe more to do with keybindings
Mike Reardon
Occasional Contributor

Re: Ximian Gnome Keymapping

Under CDE, Control-left mouse button gets me the main options menu. Control-middle mouse button gets me the VT Options menu. Control-right mouse button gets me the VT Fonts menu.

Under Gnome, the keybindings are different. Control-left mouse button does nothing, Control-middle mouse button gets me a Gnome menu (Minimize, Maximize, Close, Toggle, etc), and Control-right mouse buttons lowers that window.

I want to be able to re-map, or re-bind the control key under Gnome so that it functions as it does under CDE.