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Bluetooth on Linux (HP Pavilion ze2000t)

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Janos Szigetvari
New Member

Bluetooth on Linux (HP Pavilion ze2000t)

Hi everyone.
I have an HP Pavilion ze2000t with an "HP Integrated Module with Bluetooth Wireless Technology".
I was able to figure out that this Bluetooth module was made by Broadcom Corp.
Yet I don't know the exact chipset of this device, and I was unable to find out how I could identify it.
I've found two possible chipsets the BCM 2035 and the BCM 2045.
Could anyone give me a clue which one it could be?

BTW I would like to know whether anyone had success in using this device under Linux with the BlueZ toolkit.
Thank You.
dirk dierickx
Honored Contributor

Re: Bluetooth on Linux (HP Pavilion ze2000t)

'lspci' should show you more information on which device you have.
Janos Szigetvari
New Member

Re: Bluetooth on Linux (HP Pavilion ze2000t)

That was the first (or second) thing I tried.
Yet the device doesn't show up.
I tried dmesg too, but I had no luck with it either.
You can find the output of lspci attached.
The Texas Instruments devices are the CardBus controller, and some integrated memory card reader related things.
The Windows Device Manager shows the following info about the Bluetooth device:


In the inf file of the official HP driver I found the following line:


That's all I was able to find out.

Re: Bluetooth on Linux (HP Pavilion ze2000t)

Hi Janos!

I'm sure that your Bluetooth adapter works (at least under Windows XP) because I remember controlling your laptop via a Sony-Ericsson S700 phone :-)

Try 'cat /proc/bus/usb/devices'