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Re: C && Java application interaction in Linux

Sethunath K.O
Occasional Advisor

C && Java application interaction in Linux

Hi All

I am trying port application from AS400 platform to Linux
Current AS400 architecture internally has two frameworks in place, i.e. C based framework and Java based framework and that they interact with each other using user queues and sockets (covering both real-time and off-line). We have to implement the similar interfacing between C and Java application in Linux.

I request your insight towards this interfacing design and therefore your suggestions can help me think of various approaches in how C and Java applications can interact with each other (within and across same systems (Linux)).

Thanks in advance

Ivan Ferreira
Honored Contributor

Re: C && Java application interaction in Linux

These links may help you:

Por que hacerlo dificil si es posible hacerlo facil? - Why do it the hard way, when you can do it the easy way?