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Re: howto uninstall a perl module?

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Steve Post
Trusted Contributor

howto uninstall a perl module?

First off: I don't really want to blindly load some perl module to unload perl modules. That sounds like sending an email that the email is down.

Nope. I have a SOAP perl module that conflicts with a SOAP::Lite perl module. How do I get rid of the SOAP perl module?
I know there's a xxxx/perl/lib/5.8.1/PA-RISC2.0/auto/SOAP/.packlist
file that lists about 40 files in it. Do I just delete these files?

Is there a way to verify in perl that the modules are installed right? I know we have swverify of hpux. Perhaps there's a perl-ish way?

Now why am I asking these questions here instead of browsing the internet for it? Because all I found via google are places that I don't trust. They look like a lot of snake-oil salesmen instead of a simple community. I saw my question out there. But I didn't see a simple answer. (except to blindly load more modules).

H.Merijn Brand (procura
Honored Contributor

Re: howto uninstall a perl module?

There isn't. Indeed remove the files from the packlist

Either that, or install the module you want in a different tree, and set $PERL5LIB so it is always prefered over the default tree

Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
Steve Post
Trusted Contributor

Re: howto uninstall a perl module?

Ok. That's what I thought. First off I made a copy off all of perl. Then I did this. It seems to work.

But I ran "perldoc perllocal" and the SOAP is still in listed. Is there some database file that perllocal is read from?
Steve Post
Trusted Contributor

Re: howto uninstall a perl module?

Ok. I found it. I have to modify file
It gets updated when I run
"gmake install".

It looks like I should also hold only the stdout of "gmake install" when I put something new in.

Thanks for the help.
Steve Post
Trusted Contributor

Re: howto uninstall a perl module?

hold only?
I meant "keep a copy" of stdout.
Error between the data pipe of brains to fingers.
dirk dierickx
Honored Contributor

Re: howto uninstall a perl module?

on linux i do the following; compile he module, create a package (rpm, deb), install that package. afterwards i can remove the package if needed.

probably you can do the same in hpux, creating depot files, but i've never done that before.
H.Merijn Brand (procura
Honored Contributor

Re: howto uninstall a perl module?

Yes, you could do so, but it won't be fun.
Creating depot description files is a crime. IMHO not worth the extra time needed to make a depot so you can use swremove.

Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn