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Re: Hummingbrid X client is not working with rlogin / telnet with RHEL5 OS

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Hummingbrid X client is not working with rlogin / telnet with RHEL5 OS

Hi All,

I need to connect Xterm of RHEL5 by Hummingbrid Xclient through rlogin / telnet...

I am able to connect the same server through rlogin / telnet from putty..

But it is not working...It was working with RHEL4...

There is no option to use SSH in Hummingbrid...

My Questions;

1)How to resolve this?

2)Is there any free tool to connect Xterm using SSH / rlogin / telnet...
Larry Klasmier
Honored Contributor

Re: Hummingbrid X client is not working with rlogin / telnet with RHEL5 OS

Valued Contributor

Re: Hummingbrid X client is not working with rlogin / telnet with RHEL5 OS

Something must be amiss w/your Hummingbird install then because this should work.

Go to options and click show host response and see what the problem is. Regardless, you can indeed simply log onto your Linux box and set your DISPLAY var to your Hummingbird machine, then just fire up xterm from there. This should work.

Use a windows command prompt and type

Log into the box as normal then set your DISPLAY variable to your Hummingbird box's IP address with ":0" on the end...
export DISPLAY

...then fire up your xterm.

Xming is a free PC-X server that tends to work well ( as long as whatever application your're using doesn't require some crazy fonts ).

CYGWIN may work for you too.

Trusted Contributor

Re: Hummingbrid X client is not working with rlogin / telnet with RHEL5 OS

What exactly do you need to do with Hummingbird?

I personally use Cygwin a lot locally, with the Xming X server. Both are free / open source.

Another options is to just use PuTTY, or use PuTTY with Xmingw. Also free.

Another possible option is MobiXterm. It's free for personal use, but the paid version allows you to customize the environment. It includes a terminal and an X server, and uses a slightly modified version of Cygwin under the hood - the cool part is that you do not need to install it, so you can run it from a network location or thumb drive.
Regular Advisor

Re: Hummingbrid X client is not working with rlogin / telnet with RHEL5 OS

Hi All,

I have found resolution for this issue...

We need to mention following in "Please select an application" wizard...

We have to enter "/usr/bin/xterm -ls" In application tab
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: Hummingbrid X client is not working with rlogin / telnet with RHEL5 OS


Have you confirmed that rlogin and telnet are enabled on the box?

cd /etc/xinetd.d

My 5.5 system is not configured to listen for these services, which are a major security hazard.

Xming will in combination with putty being configured to permit X Windows forwarding get you the access you need.

Steven E Protter
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