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Re: ?libc patch to add C99 routines [strtoll+] to 11.11?

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Lorenzo del Oeste
Occasional Advisor

?libc patch to add C99 routines [strtoll+] to 11.11?

A program that was linked on an 11.23 machine (and runs fine there) fails to load on 11.11, due to missing symbol strtoll in libc. [PA-RISC.]

We should be updating that 11.11 machine to 11.23, but it won't happen soon and tomorrow this will start blocking some people from doing their work.

I was hoping to find a patch for 11.11 that would bring libc up to speed, at least adding the C99 routines mentioned here: http://docs.hp.com/en/5990-6737/ch09s15.html#bgedgjje

But I've been unable to locate such a patch either Googling or searching the HP patch database.

Is there such a patch?

Or do I need to reconfigure the package in question (libcurl v7.15.3) and rebuild?

I could write my own strtoll(), of course, but wedging it into cURL for a short-term-fix seems like more work.

Thanks in advance.

Also, how does one tell what version of libc.sl one has (looking for the equivalent "version" with Sun's compilers)?

Larry West
we have met the enemy, and he is us -- Walt Kelly
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: libc patch to add C99 routines [strtoll+] to 11.11?

There is no such patch and I doubt there would be one. The only reason those functions were added to 11.23 is I mentioned these were the most popular complaints.

I suppose you could take the functions out of the archive version of libc.a but this wouldn't be supported.

In general you should not expect applications created on OS N to work on N-1. And if you could get past your unsat, you may have a bunch of other problems.

To check the version, you could do:
$ /usr/sbin/swlist -l patch | fgrep "libc"

Or use what(1) on libc. It should have the patch ID (PHCO_25452 below):
$ what /usr/lib/libc.sl
$ PATCH_11.11/PHCO_25452 Dec 19 2001 06:56:51 $

Lorenzo del Oeste
Occasional Advisor

Re: ?libc patch to add C99 routines [strtoll+] to 11.11?

Mr. Handly:

Thanks very much. That wasn't the answer I was *hoping* for, but it does seem correct.

And thanks for telling me what's "what":-) That's just what I was looking for.

we have met the enemy, and he is us -- Walt Kelly