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Re: make a linux desktop printe on hp laserjet 1300n

New Member

make a linux desktop printe on hp laserjet 1300n

hi, i did a upgrade on my desktop from win2000 to had hat linux 9 and i do not now haw to make it print. please halp me keep the linux in my computer
Francisco J. Soler
Honored Contributor

Re: make a linux desktop printe on hp laserjet 1300n

Hi Ivanei, try the command


inside a terminal from KDE or GNOME, then add a network printer or a local printer.


Linux?. Yes, of course.
Pedro Pinto_2

Re: make a linux desktop printe on hp laserjet 1300n

Remember that linux support and drivers are very low, HP doesn't have any driver for this printer, try the solution given above but check www.linux.org for more information about printers, maybe someone has already had the same though and came up with a driver.