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"fatal hub link error" message when booting RHEL on HPDL360 G5

Alexander Chuzhoy
Honored Contributor

"fatal hub link error" message when booting RHEL on HPDL360 G5

Hi folks,
I ran into this problem. After successfully installing RHEL 4.3 on HPDL360 G5, when I tried to boot the machine I got the following error message right after loading kernel, before rc.sysinit:
"fatal hub link error".

I found the following on the internet:
Possible Cause: The hub link interface has experienced a critical failure that
caused an NMI. Action: Run Insight Diagnostics and replace failed components as indicated.'

So I assumed I have a problem with a specific machine. I tried the same on another machine ( exactly the same type) and got the same message.
I also tried to install RHEL 5 on the machine, but on first boot the machine gets stuck at the same stage, although there're no error messages...

Does anyone know how to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Ivan Ferreira
Honored Contributor

Re: "fatal hub link error" message when booting RHEL on HPDL360 G5

I found this information in the Internet:

"Finially I found if I disable the USB device in the server, the error message disappear."

Try disabling usb ports, or starting with the kernel parameters:

nousb nousbstorage
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Alexander Chuzhoy
Honored Contributor

Re: "fatal hub link error" message when booting RHEL on HPDL360 G5

Thanks a lot for your post Ivan.
After tests during with I disabled a device I found that if I disable a second NIC - there's no message.
I also noticed the reference to USB in internet forums, but disabling the USB didn't help.
I use bonding on my regular machines, which means that the solution of disabling 1 NIC just isn't good enough...