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restricted shell access for user acct

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Rick Garland
Honored Contributor

restricted shell access for user acct

Hi all:

RH Linux As 2.1 is the OS.

Got a user acct I have setup, need to restrinct access of this acct. Allow it to traverse down the directory it is restricted to - do not all it to come.

Any ideas?

Many thanks

Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: restricted shell access for user acct


As the SHELL in /etc/passwd will obviously preven login.

Perhaps the chroot command in the .bash_profile

I thought there was a restricted shell like in HP-UX but can't find it on my systems.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: restricted shell access for user acct

Or. PErhaps I could ACTUALLY do my homework.


Shows shell scripting with restricted shell, I bet similar methodology works in the /etc/passwd file.

This link shows a non-bash restricted shell that can be installed and used..


You know, I often forget to check it but you can learn how to do darn near anything at


Right now the search on that site is hanging.

Go figure.


Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
Sponsor: http://hpux.ws
Twitter: http://twitter.com/hpuxlinux
Founder http://newdatacloud.com
Stuart Browne
Honored Contributor

Re: restricted shell access for user acct

You can literally use "/bin/bash -r" in /etc/passwd.

This unfortunately doesn't stop the user from just re-running /bin/bash to get an un-restricted shell however.
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Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: restricted shell access for user acct

Stuart, couldn't he use some kind of chroot() command in the profile to prevent running the normal shell?

Or could he make a copy of the bash shell and restrict permissions on it, use this new users group to prevent re-running the shell?

I think so, I don't know the chroot command very well, but I know you could make a copy of the bash shell and keep that user from executing it.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
Sponsor: http://hpux.ws
Twitter: http://twitter.com/hpuxlinux
Founder http://newdatacloud.com
Stuart Browne
Honored Contributor

Re: restricted shell access for user acct

I guess it depends on what the user is supposed to do in the end.

The issue with 'chroot' is that it literally says "This is now my root directory". Meaning, unless a library is in memory etc. etc., they'll need populated lib,bin,etc (etc.) directories.

Not pretty. If they are just running a custom application, then it's possible. I suppose you could also just created hard-linked structures, but...
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