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Re: setting up DHCP

Occasional Contributor

setting up DHCP

I am having problem in setting up DHCP on RH Linux 8.0. It installs dhcp3-Oplxxxx instead of dhcpd-xxxxx rpm. I can???t see /etc/dhcpd.conf after installing this software but I do get the daemon installed. What should I do? Does it make sense to create dhcpd.conf and dhcpd.leases manually? Or should I download the source and compile it on my system?
My second question: is there a way to verify which (tcp/udp) port is open or closed on my system.
Jean-Pierre Denis
Valued Contributor

Re: setting up DHCP


1) copy /usr/share/doc/dhcp-/dhcpd.conf.sample to /etc/dhcpd.conf.

2) netstat -a & nmap

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Claudio Cilloni
Honored Contributor

Re: setting up DHCP

in my RH 7.3 system there is a /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd file,
and probably the service configuration is stored
in it (I never used dhcp before...). But the rpms installed are different
from yours (dhcpcd-1.3.22pl1-7, dhcp-2.0pl5-8).

to verify the state of tcp/udp ports usually I look at the first part of 'netstat -an' command's output and the firewall rules (iptables -L).

Stuart Browne
Honored Contributor

Re: setting up DHCP

What Jean-Pierre has said is exactally what you need to do.

Other steps is to make sure that the DHCPD service starts upon boot-up (chkconfig dhcpd on), and to start it (service dhcpd start) after you've made your modifications to ./etc/dhcpd.conf'.

The sample file has enough details in it to make a basic config, and the man page for 'dhcpd.conf' is quite informative.

As for the second, beyond what Jean-Pierre has said, you'll need to make sure that UDP port 67 is not blocked by whatever firewall you are using (iptables -nvL).

Hope this helps you a bit further along.
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