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Re: Watermark Document Management

John Orme
Frequent Advisor

Watermark Document Management


We have a Watermrk server and we are having great problems setting security on this. It is the second problem we have had, the first one was that it wont work under 2000 and XP but we fixed that with a reg hack. We need to give this app more life before we can afford to upgrade but this security permissions problem is giving us one big headache.

Jeff Zukor
New Member

Re: Watermark Document Management

I would like to ask what your registry hack was to fix the XP problem. Ihave installed Watermark but get the message that I do not have access to the directory.

Any help or info would be appreciated.

Jeff Zukor
Black & Decker U.S.
John Orme
Frequent Advisor

Re: Watermark Document Management


The reg fix is:

Using Regedit navigate to :-
And add an additional key called ImageServer.
Under this key add the 2 following string values :-

Name Data
ProtocolPref TCP2
ForceXfer ForceRPC

are you using active directory? this reg fix solved the Access denied message that we got with windows 2K and above. we are using a watermark server for the files, are you?
