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Re: Change of VMS podium.

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Jan van den Ende
Honored Contributor

Change of VMS podium.

On May 9 Antonio Vigliotti reported
my ascent to the VMS podium.

And now it is my duty to acknowledge my descent, on favor of..
that same Antonio!

Antonio: Congratulations!

(but be sure I will keep trying to regain the position).

In the mean time, we both have to be aware of the Dutch proverb: "While two dogs battle over a bone, the third runs off with it."
That "third dog" could well be Volker.

It will be an interesting struggle.

Let the fight be fair, and may the best man win!

For now, once againg: Antonio, congratulations(regrettably I have unsufficient knowledge of Italian to honour you in your own language :-( ).


Have one on me.

Don't rust yours pelled jacker to fine doll missed aches.
Robert Gezelter
Honored Contributor

Re: Change of VMS podium.


There are honors enough for all!

- Bob Gezelter, http://www.rlgsc.com
Uwe Zessin
Honored Contributor

Re: Change of VMS podium.

Right! Looks like this is just a matter of who is working on some other tasks at the moment.
Ian Miller.
Honored Contributor

Re: Change of VMS podium.

Congratulations Antonio, I expect Volker to be at the top within a year.
Purely Personal Opinion
Honored Contributor

Re: Change of VMS podium.

you are a very gentleman. I'm honoured sharing our knowledge each other.
I guess it will be very interesting when Volker will come close to us.
Everything can happen, the real winner is VMS.

Antonio Vigliotti
Antonio Maria Vigliotti
David B Sneddon
Honored Contributor

Re: Change of VMS podium.


I think the real winners are the participants in
this forum, regardless of the points.

Respected Contributor

Re: Change of VMS podium.

Congratulations Antonio!

I love Dutch proverbs since I lived in Utrecht from 1960-65. Keep them coming Jan! I wouldn't mind seeing them in Dutch myself -- so feel free to offer them in English and Dutch :-)

Sometimes I could be envious of those of you who have more time to spend answering questions here. Also, sometimes it seems that those of you in European locations have an advantage in that your workday is well under way before those of us in the US even get in to work! ;-) With so many experts ahead of me, and so little time to participate I will continue to plod along like a turtle.

I do enjoy the forum and I'm grateful that all of us have this method to share pain, knowledge and wit.

Master you were right about 1 thing -- the negotiations were SHORT!
Marc Van den Broeck
Trusted Contributor

Re: Change of VMS podium.

many congrats from Belgium.

I think anyone using Vms should be on a podium. But it is nice to see the 'jumping overs' in the top ten.

Wim Van den Wyngaert
Honored Contributor

Re: Change of VMS podium.

Congrats King Atonio.

Karl Rohwedder
Honored Contributor

Re: Change of VMS podium.

Back from holiday and many to congratulate:

Best wishes from germany too...

regards Kalle