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Re: Control-G characters on the VAX console

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Control-G characters on the VAX console

I had a VAX 4000-90A replaced with another VAX 4000-90A this past Tuesday.

Server halts and reboots are done remotely via PolyCenter Console Manager, through a TELNET-based terminal server that has a console cable connected between one of its ports and the console port on the VAX.  

Several control-G (^G) characters are now always showing on the console since the hardware was replaced. This makes it difficult to execute commands on the console, so I would like to get that fixed.

These strange ^G characters makes me suspicious that there is a speed/parity mis-match between the terminal server port and the console port. Is there a speed setting that can be made to the VAX console port of a VAX 4000-90 that can eliminate these garbase control-G characters?

Thanks in advance for any help I get!!

- Ron



Volker Halle
Honored Contributor

Re: Control-G characters on the VAX console


console should be set to 9600 bd, 8 bits, no parity, 1 Stop bit. I don't think you can change this.

^G is the representation of the <BEL> character - something seems to be wrong.

Is this character being echoed, just if you type a character ? Or do those ^G's appear, if the line is idle ?

Check the port settings on the terminal server and make sure flow control is on.


Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: Control-G characters on the VAX console

> I had a VAX 4000-90A replaced with another VAX 4000-90A [...]

   Why?  Is the old VAX dead, or can its settings be examined?  (All my
VAX hardware is older than that.)

   Was that the only hardware change?  Is the software identical or

> Several control-G (^G) characters are now always showing on the
> console [...]

   I don't know what that means.  "showing" _where_, when what happens?
Copy+paste is your friend.  (Or, worst-case-desperation, a picture.)

> ^G is the representation of the <BEL> character [...]

   Yup.  But from your description it's not clear who is sending these
characters to whom.  (Or when, or why.)

> [...] This makes it difficult to execute commands on the console,
> [...]

   How, exactly, do these characters "make it difficult"?

> [...] PolyCenter Console Manager, [...]

   I know nothing about it.  Is it acting in place of an ordinary
terminal, or in addition to an ordinary terminal, or what?

> [...] through a TELNET-based terminal server that has a console cable
> connected between one of its ports and the console port on the VAX.

   Same terminal server port/configuration as before?

   Around here, I normally use a LAT terminal server for remote console
access (on various systems), but I wouldn't expect Telnet to introduce
any oddities except perhaps in some handshaking at the time the
connection is initially established.

   With a normal terminal/emulator, I'd expect a received <BEL>
character to trigger a beep or a reverse-video flash; I wouldn't expect
it to display "^G". But I know nothing about any terminal/emulator
which might be involved here.


Re: Control-G characters on the VAX console

Hello, Volker.

I found that the terminal server port connected to the VAX had its "STOP BIT" setting set to "DYNAMIC" instead of "1". So when I changed that setting from "DYNAMIC" to "1", then those Control-G garbage characters went away. That was the only change I had to make to the port, and that worked!!

Thanks a lot!!

- Ron Beasley




Re: Control-G characters on the VAX console

Hello Ron,

That's awesome! 

We are extremely glad to know you were able to find the solution and we appreciate you for keeping us posted. 

Sunitha G
I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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