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Re: Need database config in open vms


Need database config in open vms

We have 1 open vms server , but we don't have database password and username . In which file I can get it also users are receiving serious database error . Please help
Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: Need database config in open vms

> We have 1 open vms server , [...]

   Not much useful information there.

      tcpip show version

   If that fails, try:

      show system /noprocess
      write sys$output f$getsyi( "HW_NAME")

> [...] we don't have database password and username . [...]

   Not much useful information there.  _Which_ "database"?  With my weak
psychic powers, I know nothing about your "database", but in many cases,
you can't recover a lost password; all you can do is set a new one.

> [...] users are receiving serious database error [...]

   This is not a useful problem description.  It does not say what you
did.  It does not say what happened when you did it.  As usual, showing
actual actions (commands) with their actual results (error messages,
...) can be more helpful than vague descriptions or interpretations.
Copy+paste is your friend.