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Re: SWS 1.3 and mixed-case passwords

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Willem Grooters
Honored Contributor

SWS 1.3 and mixed-case passwords

I came accross a potential problem with SWS 1.3 (1.3-1, eventually). To be more precise: the MOD_AUTH_OPENVMS module.

A customer has set up his systems to allow mixed-case passwords on login (due to security policy). This was their reason for using OSU instead of SWS - something had to be done but when asking, they got a very quick reply on how to set things up (requests on the issue sent to HP has not been answered (according the customer)).

So the problem is: CAN mixed case passwords with SWS 1.3 (actually: any version) and if something has to be set up: what and how? The documentation doesn't state anything on this either.

(If SWS 2.1 would not have a problem in this: nice to know but upgrade is NO option for the moment. Nor is moving to WASD (or any other server).
Willem Grooters
OpenVMS Developer & System Manager
Volker Halle
Honored Contributor

Re: SWS 1.3 and mixed-case passwords


from SWS V1.3-1 Release Notes:

Known Problems and Restrictions

- mod_auth_openvms does not recognize the PWDMIX flag in the SYSUAF.DAT file
The module mod_auth_openvms does not recognize the PWDMIX flag in the SYSUAF.DAT file.
A user with an account that has PWDMIX set cannot be authenticated correctly unless the
password is all uppercase.


Volker Halle
Honored Contributor

Re: SWS 1.3 and mixed-case passwords


ATW 9693 seems to ask for a call to HP, if mixed case passwords don't work...


Willem Grooters
Honored Contributor

Re: SWS 1.3 and mixed-case passwords

WHY issue a call? This is a bug (not a feature). It should have been solved in subseqeunt release if it is a known issue!
Willem Grooters
OpenVMS Developer & System Manager