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Re: ulimit for memory

Super Advisor

ulimit for memory

Hi All,

How can I set the ulimit -m unlimited in Tru64?

When I tried to do "# ulimit -m unlimited ",I am getting an error saying:
ksh: u;imit: exceeds allowable limit

Can any one suggest me?

Ivan Ferreira
Honored Contributor

Re: ulimit for memory

I'm not 100% sure but I think that you cannot establish a value more than the physical memory in the system. For example for a 16 GB system you should run:

ulimit -m 16322280

Anyway, you don't need unlimited because the available RAM is the limit.
Por que hacerlo dificil si es posible hacerlo facil? - Why do it the hard way, when you can do it the easy way?
Super Advisor

Re: ulimit for memory

Hi Ivan,

Thanks for the response. The current memory(kbytes) is set to 4098520. Is there nay way I can increase little bit and if so how can I increase?

Ivan Ferreira
Honored Contributor

Re: ulimit for memory

Verify the size of your physical memory using vmstat -P. If i'm right, you cannot increase to more than reported by the first line in the output.
Por que hacerlo dificil si es posible hacerlo facil? - Why do it the hard way, when you can do it the easy way?
Super Advisor

Re: ulimit for memory


When I did vmstat -P, I got:

Total Physical Memory = 4096.00 M
= 524288 Pages

And # ulimit -a resulted for memory as:

memory(kbytes) 4098520

So do you think I can't increase anything?

Thanks and waiting for the response.

Ivan Ferreira
Honored Contributor

Re: ulimit for memory

I think that you can't. Why do you need to increase it. It a high value considering your memory.
Por que hacerlo dificil si es posible hacerlo facil? - Why do it the hard way, when you can do it the easy way?
Hein van den Heuvel
Honored Contributor

Re: ulimit for memory



Why do you think you need to increase the -m value.
Error you getting errors? What error, which application, what is is trying to to (shmget?)

Typically application fail on VIRTUAL memory config problems like shmmax controlled or sysconfig parameter proc:max_per_proc_address_space and proc:max_per_proc_data_size

Study the full output of : ulimit -a
and: sysconfig -q proc
and: sysconfig -q ipc

Report details here if problems persist, but do report also why you believe there to be a problem.

Oh... and be sure to 'google' around for queries like:
+tru64 +ulimit +"physical memory"
If you like answers from this forum, then add
This gives for example:

Hope this helps,
Aaron Biver_2
Frequent Advisor

Re: ulimit for memory

'ulimit' is limited by the kernel settings.

I have run into this when trying to debug large crash dump files. I assume there are other situations where it would be a problem.

In /etc/sysconfigtab, you should be able to bump "proc:max_per_proc_address_space" to something really big, like:

max_per_proc_address_space = 0x40000000000
max_per_proc_data_size = 0x40000000000

(you'll have to reboot)

Super Advisor

Re: ulimit for memory

Hi All,

Thanks for all your responses. Problem has been fixed once I set the data resource limit. Meanwhile, I have learned about ulimit for memory.

I just did:

# ulimit -d 262144

Thanks to all very much