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DVD Rom No Repsponse P6787c-b

Occasional Advisor

DVD Rom No Repsponse P6787c-b

I recently bought the P6787c-b desktop from costco sometime early March, and the cd/dvd rom stopped responding end of April.
I used Nero 10 to burn an ISO file to dvd before it stopped working. So I suspected the problem arose from burning, but wasn't sure since I have installed other software on the desktop since I bought it.
So, I returned the desktop and re-bought the same model desktop from costco. This time, the first thing I did was burn a DVD movie with all the original settings and software that came with the HP, to confirm my suspicions. As luck would have it, the dvd stopped responding right after I burned the DVD, this time I burned the dvd using the windows burning software.

What do I mean by stopped responding?
The eject button on the cd/dvd rom doesn't work. When right clicking the ROM from "My Computer" to Eject, it gives me an Error.
The ROM ejects after burning is successful, I take the DVD out and press the button to close it. Won't reopen again. I also have to use a bit of force when using the manual eject. I do not suspect the ROM is jammed/stuck. This is a new desktop, I pressed the button to close it and nothing near it could have caused it to be stuck/jammed.
Another thing is the light on the ROM stays on. No blinking.
So, this isn't a power problem.
It is also detected by Windows7, so I'm sure it's not a data wire problem.

Problem seems to be from caused from burning dvd. Doesn't seem to be connection/power problems as power is going through the ROM (non blinking light) and is also detected by the system. This computer is new, I just re-bought this probably 3hours ago of this typing.
The only I find odd the that the ROM light stays lit, it doesn't blink or turn off. I don't know what this means, but I know the light should be off if not in use.

Can anyone diagnose the problem for me? I would be glad if I didn't have to return the PC. I have googled for solutions or possible diagnoses but no luck. None with lights that stay solid on at least.

Any help is appreciated.
Johan Guldmyr
Honored Contributor

Re: DVD Rom No Repsponse P6787c-b

Does the burned DVD work?

What if you get a boot-cd with for example Linux, or maybe something else that boots. Does that work?

What kind of settings do you have in relation to the DVD in the BIOS?

Have you considered calling HP support for some desktop support as well?

I'm pretty confident that this thread fits better in the workstation/desktop forum as this storage is I believe more often read by enterprise storage people, but you never know =)

Have you seen this link?


Or this?

Occasional Advisor

Re: DVD Rom No Repsponse P6787c-b

Hi Johan,
Thanks for your reply. I'm sorry I didn't realize this is the Storage section until after I posted.
If a mod would kindly help me move the topic, that'd be great, hah.

Yes, the burned DVD (both the ISO and the DVD movie) works great.

I check the link and it ends in _00 so it's affected by the intel chipset, I guess? But, this has AMD processor (not sure if it's talking about the processor when saying intel chipset)

I will take your advice and repost in the Desktop Forums, thank you. :)

To Mod: Please help move or delete this thread as you see necessary. Thanks.
Johan Guldmyr
Honored Contributor

Re: DVD Rom No Repsponse P6787c-b

Hey, oh then it probably isn't affected by that advisory. Intel chipset I believe they refer to is one of the chips on the system board.
Occasional Advisor

Re: DVD Rom No Repsponse P6787c-b

I called HP and it's confirmed the drive is faulty. Maybe a firmware problem, they're not sure, but since it happened to two different computers of the same model, it *might* be a chain.

They're sending me a dvdrom to replace and we'll go from there.

Thanks for all your responses Johan! Really appreciate it. Haha, I posted for help in the desktop/windows forums as you suggested and I haven't gotten help.

Thank You very much. I'll close this thread now. :)
Occasional Advisor

Re: DVD Rom No Repsponse P6787c-b

Called HP support and determined firmware is faulty from the symptoms. HP will send replacement drive.
Johan Guldmyr
Honored Contributor

Re: DVD Rom No Repsponse P6787c-b


Hope it works out this time for you.

Maybe I could help with a little and I'm glad for that.

If you remember - when you get the replacement drive, I would be interested to know how it goes.
Occasional Advisor

Re: DVD Rom No Repsponse P6787c-b

Great, I'll be sure to let you know how that goes. You're swell Johan, thanks.

I tried to give you some points, but it doesn't seem to be working. :o