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Can't find Swarm Learning UI Installer

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Can't find Swarm Learning UI Installer

Hi everyone, 

I'm writing my PhD thesis regarding Swarm Learning, and I'd like to use HPE Swarm Learning Software, in the Community Edition.

I've already installed License Server, created and actived a license for the software.

Now the problem is that I can't find the download link for the Swarm Learning UI Installer, when I open the software page I can only re-download activation license..

Thanks in advance for the answers


Re: Can't find Swarm Learning UI Installer

Hello @FrancescaF,

Thank you for writing to us! 

Please refer to the link here, we hope it helps. 

You can contact the  HPE Developer Slack Workspace and start a discussion in our #hpe-swarm-learning channel for further assistance. 


Sunitha G
I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: Can't find Swarm Learning UI Installer

Thank for the answer

Unfortunately, the documentation on Github doesn't help

I looked into Slack's channel and another user had the same issue but he didn't get any answer so far (message posted on the 5th of June)

Also contacted HP's support team for more help.

Hope to solve this issue as soon as possible as I need this software for my thesis.