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Re: Error/Bugs in HPE OO Studio

Occasional Contributor

Error/Bugs in HPE OO Studio

1. In HPE OO Studio, can we have a Control+Scroll to Zoom In/Out feature, in upcoming releases. 

2. Before I un/lock the flow, I look at properties, go deep inside, looking into filters and found the issue, now, when I click on Lock, so that I can edit it. Why does the "Inspector" window refreshes and gives me an empty white spot, even though I have PINned the tab at the bottom?


I hope these issues get fixed in upcoming releases.


Respected Contributor

Re: Error/Bugs in HPE OO Studio

Hi raja777m,

The new Software Community is now live, please post your question to the Ops Orchestration forum in the Software Community:  https://community.saas.hpe.com/t5/Operations-Orchestration/ct-p/sws-OO

