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Re: DL380 G3 (Linux) crash on hpasm start up

Andy Johnson_6
Occasional Contributor

DL380 G3 (Linux) crash on hpasm start up

Installed 7.1.1 of hpasm. RH AS 2.1.
<---- from cma.log ---->
Tue Sep 28 10:28:36 EDT 2004: snmp_restart: snmpd is started Starting Foundation Agents (cmafdtn): cmawebd cmathreshd cmahostd cmapeerd
Starting Web agent (cmawebd) :
Sep 28 10:29:08 lintest cmawebd[12946]: Started Compaq Web Agent
Starting Threshold agent (cmathreshd) :
/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 3: Unknown token: dlmod.
Starting Host agent (cmahostd) :
Starting SNMP Peer (cmapeerd) :

Starting Server Agents (cmasvr): cmastdeqd cmahealthd cmaperfd
Starting Standard Equipment agent (cmastdeqd) :Sep 28 10:29:08 lintest cmapeerd[13014]: Started hp Advanced Server Management Agents Peer Manager

Sep 28 10:29:08 lintest cmastdeqd[13072]: IS EISA = NOT OK
Starting Health agent (cmahealthd) :
Starting Performance agent (cmaperfd) :

Starting Storage Agents (cmastor): cmaeventd cmaidad cmafcad cmaided cmascsid
Sep 28 10:29:09 lintest cmapeerd[13014]: [hpasmpeer] Connect agent: cmaperfd
Starting Storage Event Logger (cmaeventd) :
Starting IDA agent (cmaidad) :
Starting FCA agent (cmafcad) :
Starting IDE agent (cmaided) :
Starting SCSI agent (cmascsid) :

Sep 28 10:29:09 lintest cmastdeqd[13072]: getISASystemID: Bypassed Obsolete code Sep 28 10:29:09 lintest cmastdeqd[13072]: getISASystemID: Bypassed Obsolete code Sep 28 10:29:09 lintest cmastdeqd[13072]: cannot get edid record from video controller
Sep 28 10:29:09 lintest cmapeerd[13014]: [hpasmpeer] Connect agent: cmastdeqd
Shutting down Storage Agents (cmastor): cmaeventd cmaidad cmafcad cmaided cmascsid
Shutting down Storage Event Logger (cmaeventd):Terminating cmaeventd...

Shutting down IDA agent (cmaidad):
Shutting down FCA agent (cmafcad):
Shutting down IDE agent (cmaided):
Shutting down SCSI agent (cmascsid):

Shutting down Server Agents (cmasvr): cmastdeqd cmahealthd cmaperfd
Shutting down Standard Equipment agent (cmastdeqd):Sep 28 10:29:10 lintest cmapeerd[13014]: [hpasmpeer] Disconnect agent: cmastdeqd
This is a Compaq Machine.
read_buf FAILED
read_buf FAILED

Shutting down Health agent (cmahealthd):
Shutting down Performance agent (cmaperfd):Sep 28 10:29:11 lintest cmapeerd[13014]: [hpasmpeer] Disconnect agent: cmaperfd

Shutting down Foundation Agents (cmafdtn): cmawebd cmathreshd cmahostd cmapeerd
Shutting down Web agent (cmawebd):Sep 28 10:29:12 lintest cmawebd[12946]: Terminating Compaq Web Agent...
Sep 28 10:29:12 lintest cmawebd[12946]: Done

Shutting down Threshold agent (cmathreshd):
Shutting down Host agent (cmahostd):
Shutting down SNMP Peer (cmapeerd):Sep 28 10:29:12 lintest cmapeerd[13014]: Terminating hp Advanced Server Management Agents Peer Manager...
Sep 28 10:29:12 lintest cmapeerd[13014]: done.
Henrik Svarrer

Re: DL380 G3 (Linux) crash on hpasm start up

I have seen the same on esx 2.01 and the only solution was to uninstall the management agents and install them again.
Hope this can help you!