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Re: DL380 G7 - Rebooting

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Occasional Contributor

DL380 G7 - Rebooting

Hello, I have a DL380 G7 that ramdomly reboots. I have updated the firmware yet this still occurs? any ideas?

Johan Guldmyr
Honored Contributor

Re: DL380 G7 - Rebooting

OS Logs? ILO/IML Log? Update OS too? Get machine to minimal config. Memory tests? HP Smartstart diagnostics. PSU/power issues? Any changes done recently? Any error leds?
Occasional Contributor

Re: DL380 G7 - Rebooting

This is the error in the IML when it reboots.Uncorrectable PCI Express Error (Embedded device, Bus 0, Device 0, Function 0, Error Status 0x00000000

Johan Guldmyr
Honored Contributor

Re: DL380 G7 - Rebooting

Hm. Which PCI-e cards do you have installed? It may also be that it's a device on the system board (like graphics etc).
How often does it reboot? Would you be able to run it without any extra PCI-cards? Did you upgrade firmware on the PCI-cards too?
Occasional Contributor

Re: DL380 G7 - Rebooting

There are two HBA which are Brocade-825 with firmware I will look at updating them but is not something i can do in the next few days so i will close this thread. Thanks for your idea...

Regular Advisor

Re: DL380 G7 - Rebooting

There was an issue with the Intel processors where to stop the reboots you had to disable the C-State in the BIOS. HP had now released a new BIOS firmware which resolves this, 2011-05-05.




Occasional Visitor

Re: DL380 G7 - Rebooting

Hi everyone!


Is there any other known rebooting problems with DL380 G7? I have two DL380 G7 servers with the same problem, but they already have the latest BIOS update. Servers reboots randomly. All power and cooling conditions are OK.

In IML I have following entries every few days:

"196","Caution","iLO 3","10/12/2011 08:34","10/12/2011 08:34","1","Server reset.",
"195","Informational","iLO 3","10/12/2011 08:34","10/12/2011 08:33","2","Server power restored.",

Any ideas?

Johan Guldmyr
Honored Contributor

Re: DL380 G7 - Rebooting

Hi, dbxss - it probably would have been better if you created a new thread here on the forum.


This post was originally for an error about PCI-e, while yours says "power reset". Which are not the same.


Yours seems related to power in some way. Incoming power (ups, etc), cables, psu, backplane, etc.