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DL380 gen 9 iLO interface


DL380 gen 9 iLO interface


We accessed the ilo configuration from a provisionning mode and took its IP address , when trying to connect the  server DL380 gen9 to a switch , its port led indicator is off.

Can you please assist.


Best regards,


Re: DL380 gen 9 iLO interface


Can you confirm what you mean by "provisionning mode"? Is that Intelligent Provisioning or is that the F9 ROM based config (or something else entirely)? is this server in production with an OS or is this a relatively new server to this environment? Is the iLO being plugged into a 100Mb or 1Gb port? This server supports the use of the Shared Network Port (SNP). It is possible that if the iLO is currently configured to use the SNP it would no longer be using the dedicated iLO port. 

More information would be helpful to determine what may be happening.


I am an HPE Employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: DL380 gen 9 iLO interface

@thutchings Can you confirm what you mean by "provisionning mode"? It means intelligent provisionning

Is that Intelligent Provisioning or is that the F9 ROM based config (or something else entirely)? Intelligent Provisioning

is this server in production with an OS or is this a relatively new server to this environment? Server in production with windows 2016 Standard

Is the iLO being plugged into a 100Mb or 1Gb port? it's being plugged into a 1Gb port

This server supports the use of the Shared Network Port (SNP). Yes SNP is supported

It is possible that if the iLO is currently configured to use the SNP it would no longer be using the dedicated iLO port. 


Re: DL380 gen 9 iLO interface

@thutchings Hello, 

Could you please help us resolve this problem .

Best regards,


Re: DL380 gen 9 iLO interface


What type of switch are you tring to connect the server to? 

Could you please elaborate more on the issue?

I am an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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