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Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.

Occasional Advisor

Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.

I have also tried installing the "hponcfg" tool on Ubuntu and Redhat 7, and in both cases I get the following error. And there is no solid solution to resolving this error with the "CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded".  Can someone please help? 

Note that, I am able to use python-hpilo module to at least communicate with the HP iLO software. However, both Python and Ansible require the "hponcfg" tool to work in order to configure the HP iLO. So I am stuck at the moment. 

[@localhost ~]$ sudo hponcfg
HP Lights-Out Online Configuration utility
Version 4.6.0 Date 09/28/2015 (c) Hewlett-Packard Company, 2015

ERROR: CpqCiCreateFunc() 0 time failed.
Driver Error Code:(1,1h).
Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.

ERROR: CpqCiCreateFunc() 1 time failed.
Driver Error Code:(1,1h).
Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.
ERROR: Could not find the Management Processor Device Node.
Please check if the iLO driver module is installed and running properly.
ACTION REQUIRED: Install/Re-install hp Lights-Out driver package('hp-ilo' RPM) for iLO.

Erdogan Temur

Re: Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.


HPE ProLiant iLO Channel Interface KMOD drivers are requir for problem fix.
There are drivers for RH5 and RH6 But i could not find drivers for RH 7.

Kind Regards,
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Occasional Advisor

Re: Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.

It appears we need to install the HP System Management Tools. So I went to the following website that contains the Software Delivery Repository:

If we select the Management Component Pack for ProLiant, then we see that this includes the HPONCFG tool that we need:

However, if you go to the repo for this pack to find the build for Redhat versions, you will find the README:

It basically says the following:

For the supported Linux distributions:

  ( see )

     Red Hat Enterprise Linux

     SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

There is no Management Component Pack [MCP].

Instead a bundle of HP value-add deliverables called the

Service Pack for ProLiant [SPP] is provided for these

supported distributions and can be found either directly

on the HP website or in that section of the Software Delivery

Repository.  For detailed information, see:

So the link is old, so we correct it with the new HPE website...

And going to this website leads us to the Service Pack for ProLiant.  Click on the Download button and we get to the next websiite: titled "Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP) Version 2017.04.0".

On the bottom-right, there is a link to download the ISO.  It seems you need to be registered with HPE and then get it. I still need to do this, but it seems this is the right direction.  Has anyone else downloaded this and installed it on Redhat?


Jimmy Vance

Re: Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.

You only need to register to download firmware, to access the software on the SDR, download and run the add_repo shell script. you will then be able to use the native distro tools to install the HPE software like hponcfg, heath drivers, etc




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Occasional Advisor

Re: Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.

Yes I have downloaded the software now. I will try the ISO.

Howevever, I find it troubling that when I use the distro website and install the software on my Ubuntu VM, it provides the same driver error message. So I am still wondering why this is happening on Ubuntu. Someone should have a solution to this as I have not done anything special. Just followed the instructions.

Occasional Advisor

Re: Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.


I downloaded the ISO, and installed the software using the HP deployment that is provided by the ISO software. After rebooting, I tried the "hponcfg" tool again and of course hit the same driver error message. 

So now what!? I am out of options now. 

Why is the hponcfg tool complaining about the CPQCIDRV driver?

Jimmy Vance

Re: Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.

@munichman wrote:


I downloaded the ISO, and installed the software using the HP deployment that is provided by the ISO software. After rebooting, I tried the "hponcfg" tool again and of course hit the same driver error message. 

So now what!? I am out of options now. 

Why is the hponcfg tool complaining about the CPQCIDRV driver?

More than likely as was stated in another reply, the iLO channel interface driver isn't loaded. What versions of Ubuntu and RHEL7 are you installing?  I just tested a fresh base install of Ubuntu 16.04 and when I installed hponcfg 4.6 a few other files were needed, a library file and xsltproc. After that it worked fine. 

Run 'lsmod | grep hp' and see if hpilo shows up as loaded module




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Occasional Advisor

Re: Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.

Thanks for the help. I ran 'lsmod | grep hp' and nothing was returned.

I am using Ubuntu 16.04 and Redhat Enterprise Server 7.3. 

Can you provide the commands you used to install hponcfg and have it working? I would appreciate that.

Jimmy Vance

Re: Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.

@munichman wrote:

Thanks for the help. I ran 'lsmod | grep hp' and nothing was returned.

I am using Ubuntu 16.04 and Redhat Enterprise Server 7.3. 

Can you provide the commands you used to install hponcfg and have it working? I would appreciate that.

Thought I responded earlier, guess it didn't post.   the hpilo chif driver is in the distribution, I didn't add it.  I downloaded the hponcfg .deb file and used dpkg to install it., it required two additiaonl packages to be installed, xsltproc and a libxslt (I think, not near the system now) . 

What server model are you working with?


No support by private messages. Please ask the forum! 
Occasional Advisor

Re: Driver Error Message: CPQCIDRV driver is not loaded.

These extra dependencies are automatically installed when I install hponcfg.  I verified...

root@ubuntu-test-machine:~# apt-cache depends hponcfg
Depends: xsltproc
Depends: libc6

root@ubuntu-test-machine:~# apt install xsltproc libc6
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libc6 is already the newest version (2.23-0ubuntu9).
xsltproc is already the newest version (1.1.28-2.1ubuntu0.1).
xsltproc set to manually installed.
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
linux-headers-4.8.0-53 linux-headers-4.8.0-53-generic linux-image-4.8.0-53-generic
Use 'apt autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 23 not upgraded.

However, I am still hitting the problem....

I am working with a HP ProLiant DL380 Gen9.