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Remote Deployment Utility and Failure to Complete Process

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Mitch Sprague
Occasional Advisor

Remote Deployment Utility and Failure to Complete Process

Hello all,

I recently used the HP Remote Deployment Utility to install PSP 7.51A (Windows 2003) on a Proliant ML370 G3. I've done this lots of times without issue but this time, for whatever reason, when it got to the NIC drivers it removed the old but did not complete the installation of the new leaving the machine inaccessible.

I've not had any luck in finding the actual process the utility follows to do the installation of the drivers but a manual install worked just fine once a tech was onsite to assist.

Can anyone give me an idea of how exactly the installation process works and has anyone heard of any cases of this type of thing happening before? Is there a known issue? Perhaps this was a network glitch?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Apologies to all if I have posted in the wrong forum.
Jan Estall
Occasional Contributor

Re: Remote Deployment Utility and Failure to Complete Process

Hi Mitch
I too had the same problem yesterday and that was installing the latest PSP (from the Smart Start CD 7.51) at the console on an ML370 G3. The PSP install froze and then errored out when it got to the NIC drivers and I got a timeout error. I rebooted the box and then 'fell off' the domain. I logged in locally and found that the NIC team and both NICs were disabled. Was unable to re-enable any of them or disband the team. Tried recreating the team and then had two disabled teams!! Managed to update the NIC drivers by running the PSP again and am now at the state where I have one NIC enabled, one NIC disabled and two NIC teams disabled. I suspect that the original problem may have been teaming the NICs in the first place as one is an NC7781 and one is an NC7771 but it would be nice to know if anyone else out there has had problems?
Mitch Sprague
Occasional Advisor

Re: Remote Deployment Utility and Failure to Complete Process

Thanks Jan,

I got a similar answer from a friend working at another IT firm who encountered the same problems. In my case we had to dispatch a tech onsite (we do almost everything remotely) who had to delete the NIC to be able to install the correct drivers and get us back in operation.