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SNMP Gen10 Hardware Monitoring


SNMP Gen10 Hardware Monitoring


Wir haben derzeit mehrere neue Proliant Gen10 Server im einsatz alle mit ILO, nun die Frage, früher habe ich die Hardwaredaten, Temperaturen, Raid status usw über die Management Homepage ausgelesen per SNMP. Wie geht das mit dem neuen System Management Assistant Service? Er läuft und am Ilo ist er Status "OK" aber ich kann keine Daten abgreifen im Zabbix, Wie muss man das konfigurieren?


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Hi there!

We currently have several new Proliant Gen10 servers in use, all with ILO, now the question, earlier I read the hardware data, temperatures, raid status, etc. via the management homepage via SNMP. How does that work with the new System Management Assistant Service? It is running and the status of the Ilo is "OK" but I cannot access any data in the Zabbix. How do you have to configure it?

Thank you!



Re: SNMP Gen10 Hardware Monitoring


HPE Insight Management Agents and WBEM Providers are not supported in Gen10 Servers hence SMH will not work.

With the release of Gen10 servers, iLO no longer supports OS-based SNMP agents. The System management Assistant (SMA) is an Agentless Management Service feature for users who want to run applications that obtain SNMP information from the OS.

When SMA is enabled, information is passed from iLO to the OS.

SMA is installed as part of the AMS package, and it is disabled by default

Won't be able to comment much on "Zabbix" as it is a 3rd party monitoring software.

For configuation of SMA at OS level please refer  "System management assistant" on the web-link below: 

Also please refer "iLO SNMP alerts" section.


[Moderator edit: Removed the broken link. Please refer to]

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Re: SNMP Gen10 Hardware Monitoring

Hello! Thanks for the fast reply!


Here is a Screenshot, the Service is running and the ILO says, its not you know why?





Re: SNMP Gen10 Hardware Monitoring


Thank you for the reply.

Please try the following steps and check the result.

1. Reset iLO from the web-console and check the status. Please refer "Rebooting (resetting) the iLO processor with the web interface"

2. If the iLO firmware is not on latest revision, please try updating the same and check the result (server reboot is not required after the update process)

3. Restart the SMA service and check the result.

Start the SMA service.
Navigate to the windows Services window.
Right-click the System Management Assistant, and then select Properties.
Select Automatic in the Startup type menu, and then click OK.
Right-click the System Management Assistant, and then select Start.

NOTE: User can also start the SMA Service by:

Navigating to <Program Files>\OEM\AMS\Service and then running the following command: Files>\OEM\AMS\Service and then running the following command:
Entering the following commands in a command prompt window: sc config smastart=auto and net start sma

4. If the issue persists, please try updating the AMS to latest revision, once installed reboot the server and check.

[Moderator edit: Updated the broken link.]

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[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: SNMP Gen10 Hardware Monitoring


We have 3 gen10 servers, one is working pretty good with this SMA. but the other 2 are not working pretty well, i have installed the latest Service Pack for Proliant Gen10, there were no updates available for this 2, for the other server there were plenty. I dont understand that.

So i have on all 3 Servers on ilo firmware 2.14

installed on all 3 the latest SMA download.

rebooted the servers.

I don't know what i am doing wrong, is there a config to do?


EDIT: I saw there was a time difference of a minute, i corrected that with 2 ntp servers, i am testing now a few days

EDIT2: So now one of the Servers in Zabbix has SNMP Data loss for 1-5 minutes...i dont understand, this was also on the other servers to, but the Agentless Management Service is "ok" in ILO...