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Betreff: Weird high fan speeds, ProLiant DL380 Gen10

Established Member

Weird high fan speeds, ProLiant DL380 Gen10


I have this weirdly behaving server. It insists on running the fans at these speeds, regardless of the room temperature.

Fan speeds.jpg

The room temp is 22C and none of the other 3 - either identical or almost identical servers - are showing these fan speeds.

The speeds are very high, given that the server is running at 5% load...

The temperature chart is display nothing alarming, actually all values are way below the warning levels.

An identical server sitting just below this server have fans running at almost idle speeds:

Fan speed 2a.jpg

I have tried to power-cycle the server (completely powering it off, waiting 5 minutes and powering it back up) without any changes.

Any idea what is going on?

These are the temperature values from the server:

Fan speed 3.jpg


Re: Weird high fan speeds, ProLiant DL380 Gen10


There are couple of documents which explain why this may occur and how to fix it.
Please check these on our Support Center.
Also check if your server needs Innovation Engine FW update.

Thank You!
I work with HPE but opinions expressed here are mine.
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I work for HPE.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]

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Re: Weird high fan speeds, ProLiant DL380 Gen10

@Suman_1978 Suman_1978, Thanks for your suggestions.

I tried updating everything (well, the things that were updateable), including the "Innovation Engine", but to no avail. The fans speeds are fixed.

I've given up on the server. All 3 servers are to be decommissioned later this year anyways so we'll just live with the noise.




Established Member

Re: Weird high fan speeds, ProLiant DL380 Gen10


I left the server Powered Off over night and when I tried to power it back on this morning, all fans are now at 11%.

So maybe it helped updating (everything) and keeping the server powered off for the night.



Valued Contributor

Betreff: Weird high fan speeds, ProLiant DL380 Gen10

We had a similar problem after a hard disk firmware update. After the update the disks reported a higher temperature to the system and that caused the fans to turn faster. It looks like HPE had problems with disk cooling and used this trick to get more cooling. Problem is that the noise is also more...

Try to run the server with other disks or without disks and look if the fan speeds change..

We solved the problem of loud server by downgrading the disks to the previous version. Sorry but I can't say what version it was. It was about one month ago.

"If it seems illogical... you just don't have enough information"