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reset iLO

New Member

reset iLO

As far as I know, an iLO (integrated Lights-Out) can be reset using these methods:

1. login through https, choose Administration, Network Settings, Apply
2. disconnect the server from the electric current
3. perform a firmware upgrade
4. somehow using some Management Agents

I am looking for an alternative way to reset iLO.

We are using several ProLiant DL360 (G2/G3) and DL380 (G2/G3) in different locations. iLO firmware versions were up to 1.51. Suddenly, it was no longer possible to connect to most of the iLOs through https. After resetting iLO using methods 2 and 3, it worked again.

The error message in Mozilla: "The document contains no data." A closer look at the packets shows that the browser establishes the TCP connection to the https port. The browser then sends an SSL packet, which iLO answers by a TCP Reset :-(

Only the web server of the iLO hangs, telnet still works.

I do not know the reason for this, so I fear more such hangs. So I am looking for an easy way to reset iLO. Option 1 is not possible. Option 2 is not easy. Option 3 is not easy either, because reboots are required on the machines running linux kernel 2.6 (there is no kernel module cpqci available for these kernels yet, unfortunately; the driver is needed for the Online ROM Flash to work). Option 4 is not possible because the Management Agents are very platform specific, without source, it is not easy to port them to Debian, which our servers run.

I think of these alternative ways to reset iLO:
- an additional telnet hotkey like the new (in firmware 1.55) ones for power cycling would be cool!
- a Linux utility (like an Online ROM Flash without flashing, only resetting) would help at least for the machines running Linux kernel 2.4
- a new firmware (maybe already 1.55?) with a watchdog for a hanging web server
Honored Contributor

Re: reset iLO

I,m not giving you a solution, but may be a cause, In the past http server integrated for remote management in several cards get similar problem caused by virus on the lan, I can suggest you to have a look around and see if this may be the cause
If everything is under control, you are going too slow (Mario Andretti)
New Member

Re: reset iLO

"HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility for Linux" was released May 17. I just tried it and was able to reset an iLO with a hanging web server! Thank you HP for this new tool!