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Re: Connection timeout issue in HP CMU 7.2

Occasional Advisor

Connection timeout issue in HP CMU 7.2

When I connect to HP CMU I get this error more often 


Watchdog connection timed out


Unable to establish connection with CMU Server

Cause is : errorduring JRMP connection establishment, nested exception is
Reached times out



I have attached the screenshot.

Please help me out.

Valued Contributor

Re: Connection timeout issue in HP CMU 7.2



What is the jre version on cmu server and gui client node? Where are you launching the GUI ?

Did the same issue happened on other GUI clients ?  How often you are seeing this


Please enable java console using below procedure and when you see "error during JRMP connection establishment" error, please capture the complete java stack trace from GUI client's java console and send us for analysis.



How to enable java console:

open Java Control Panel -> click on “Advanced” tab -> Java Console -> select “Show console” radio button -> click “Apply” button -> click “Ok” .



Also, Please check the network settings between the GUI client and cmu server (management node). looks like network connections between GUI client and cmu server are not well .


Please try increasing memory on cmu server by changing value of CMU_JAVA_SERVER_XMX_MB in "/opt/cmu/etc/cmuserver.conf" file.




Pradeep A.