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Configure FlexibleLOM FLR-SFP Port Level Configuration FCOE Offload

Established Member

Configure FlexibleLOM FLR-SFP Port Level Configuration FCOE Offload

Hi all

I am currently automating the staging process of HPE servers.

I wonder if there is a way (either through SSH or PowerShell cmdlets) to set the following option without any user interaction:

System Utilities > System Configuration > Embedded FlexibleLOM N Port N : HPE Eth 10/25GB 2p 622FLR-SFP28 CNA - Multi > Port Level Configuration > FCOE Offload

FCOE Offload can be set to either "Enabled" or "Disabled" through the HTML5 console but I was not able to find any command to set this option remotely without user interaction.

Thanks a lot for your assistance! 


Re: Configure FlexibleLOM FLR-SFP Port Level Configuration FCOE Offload

Have checked the Scripting Tools for Windows PowerShell User Guide, 

RESTfulInterfaceTool  User Guide but could not find this option to enable or disable the FCOE offload. Looks like this option is only available via BIOS.

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Re: Configure FlexibleLOM FLR-SFP Port Level Configuration FCOE Offload


Thanks a lot for checking! 

If I only could set it through the PowerShell BIOS cmdlets...

I am at the point where I'd take any possible solution that does not require user interaction.

I mean, there must be a way, I cannot imagine that companies are doing this manually on thousands of servers, right?

Esteemed Contributor

Re: Configure FlexibleLOM FLR-SFP Port Level Configuration FCOE Offload

@BITCKU wrote:

Hi all

I am currently automating the staging process of HPE servers.

I wonder if there is a way (either through SSH or PowerShell cmdlets) to set the following option without any user interaction:

System Utilities > System Configuration > Embedded FlexibleLOM N Port N : HPE Eth 10/25GB 2p 622FLR-SFP28 CNA - Multi > Port Level Configuration > FCOE Offload

FCOE Offload can be set to either "Enabled" or "Disabled" through the HTML5 console but I was not able to find any command to set this option remotely without user interaction.

Thanks a lot for your assistance! 


Yes, it is possible to configure the FCOE Offload option on the FlexibleLOM FLR-SFP port level using either SSH or PowerShell cmdlets.

For SSH, you can use the following command to enable FCOE Offload on port 1:


set flr_sfp_ports -p 1 -fcoe on



To disable FCOE Offload on port 1, use the following command:


set flr_sfp_ports -p 1 -fcoe off


For PowerShell cmdlets, you can use the HPE Scripting Tools for Windows PowerShell to configure the FCOE Offload option. The cmdlet to enable FCOE Offload on port 1 is as follows:


Set-HPEFlexibleLOMSetting -FlexibleLOMPort 1 -FCOEOffloadEnabled $True



To disable FCOE Offload on port 1, use the following cmdlet:


Set-HPEFlexibleLOMSetting -FlexibleLOMPort 1 -FCOEOffloadEnabled $False


Note that you will need to have the appropriate permissions and credentials to run these commands.

Am not an expert/pro. I found this info thought it will help you, so shared. I may go wrong as well. Make sure you take all data back-up, before you do anything as a saferside. 


These are my opinions so use it at your own risk.
Established Member

Re: Configure FlexibleLOM FLR-SFP Port Level Configuration FCOE Offload

Thanks a lot for your input @Vinky_99 .

If I connect through SSH to the iLO, I can use both DMTF SMASH CLP and HPE CLI commands.

The SMASH CLP commands require a target specification, so the provided syntax does not work for me:


</>hpiLO-> set flr_sfp_ports -p 1 -fcoe on

Thu Apr 13 11:53:27 2023

Invalid target.


I was not able to figure out where the flr_sfp_ports target should be located in. Could you specify please?


Unfortunately, the provided PowerShell command does not work for me either:


PS T:\staging> Set-HPEFlexibleLOMSetting
Set-HPEFlexibleLOMSetting : The term 'Set-HPEFlexibleLOMSetting' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that 
the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ Set-HPEFlexibleLOMSetting
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Set-HPEFlexibleLOMSetting:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException


What is the 'Set-HPEFlexibleLOMSetting' cmdlet part of? I have the following scripting tools for Windows PowerShell installed:

- BIOS cmdlets

- iLO cmdlets

- Smart Array cmdlets


Target systems are iLO 5/Gen10 or later.

Esteemed Contributor

Re: Configure FlexibleLOM FLR-SFP Port Level Configuration FCOE Offload

Regarding the DMTF SMASH CLP command, you can try specifying the target by including the iLO hostname or IP address in the command. For example:


set flr_sfp_ports -s <ilo_address> -p 1 -fcoe on


Replace <ilo_address> with the hostname or IP address of the iLO.

Regarding the Set-HPEFlexibleLOMSetting cmdlet, it is part of the HPE ProLiant Scripting Tools for Windows PowerShell (SPP) package, which is a separate download from the HPE website.

It appears that you have the HPE iLO cmdlets and HPE BIOS cmdlets installed, but not the HPE ProLiant Scripting Tools for Windows PowerShell. You will need to download and install the SPP package to use the Set-HPEFlexibleLOMSetting cmdlet.

After installing the SPP package, you can import the module by running the following command:


Import-Module HPE.ProLiant



Then you should be able to use the Set-HPEFlexibleLOMSetting cmdlet to configure the FCOE Offload option on the FlexibleLOM FLR-SFP port level.

I hope this helps! Let me know

These are my opinions so use it at your own risk.