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HPEiLOCmdlets: RIBCL Exception: System.Exception

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HPEiLOCmdlets: RIBCL Exception: System.Exception


When I try to use the Connect-HPEiLO command I get the following error "WARNING: [Connect-HPEiLO][XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX][RIBCL]: Failed connection type: RIBCL Exception: System.Exception". Has anyone seen this error? I've added the full error with command and a few others for imfortation. I can confirm I am able to log into the servers iLO from the browser and I do have full admin rights. When I look at the server logs I can see that there is an XML login/logout from the account so it would appear it's properly logging in. Any thoughts?

Connect-HPEiLO -Address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -Password XXX -Username XXX -Timeout 120 -DisableCertificateAuthentication
WARNING: [Connect-HPEiLO][XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX][RIBCL]: Failed connection type: RIBCL Exception: System.Exception
at HPE.Framework.Connector.ConnectionType.RIBCL.RIBCLConnector.CreateConnection(CmdletRecord cmdletRecord,
BaseConnection baseConnection)
at HPE.Framework.Connector.ConnectionType.ConnectionAggregator.CreateConnection(CmdletRecord cmdletRecord,
BaseConnection baseConnection)
Connect-HPEiLO : [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] : Failed to connect for mandatory module connection type: RIBCL
At line:1 char:15
+ ... onnection = Connect-HPEiLO -Address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -Password XXX ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (:) [Connect-HPEiLO], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : HPE.iLO.Cmdlet.Connector.ConnectHPEiLO




Hostname : XXXX
SPN : ProLiant DL380 Gen9
FWRI : 2.81
PN : Integrated Lights-Out 4 (iLO 4)
SerialNumber : XXXX


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Re: HPEiLOCmdlets: RIBCL Exception: System.Exception

I ran the verbose mode:

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Connect-HPEiLO" on target "Address: XXX".
VERBOSE: Executing the cmdlets with 1 task serially.
VERBOSE: [Connect-HPEiLO][XXX]: XML Reply on: Reading iLO xml data
VERBOSE: [Connect-HPEiLO][XXX]: iLO FirmwareVersion: iLO4 v2.81
VERBOSE: [Connect-HPEiLO][XXX]: Product Name: ProLiant DL380 Gen9
VERBOSE: [Connect-HPEiLO][XXX]: Creating connection for connection type(s): RIBCL, REST
VERBOSE: [Connect-HPEiLO][XXX][RIBCL]: Establishing connection.
VERBOSE: [Connect-HPEiLO][XXX][RIBCL]: Received response for create connection request.
VERBOSE: [Connect-HPEiLO][XXX][RIBCL]: Unable to connect to the remote server.
WARNING: [Connect-HPEiLO][XXX][RIBCL]: Failed connection type: RIBCL Exception: System.Exception
at HPE.Framework.Connector.ConnectionType.RIBCL.RIBCLConnector.CreateConnection(CmdletRecord cmdletRecord, BaseConnection baseConnection)
at HPE.Framework.Connector.ConnectionType.ConnectionAggregator.CreateConnection(CmdletRecord cmdletRecord, BaseConnection baseConnection)


Re: HPEiLOCmdlets: RIBCL Exception: System.Exception



What version of the powershell cmdlets are you using? Also, is this the only server where you see this problem? 


I tested this against an iLO 4 and cmdlets version This worked fine. Have you reset the iLO then attempted to connect again with the cmdlets?



I am an HPE Employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: HPEiLOCmdlets: RIBCL Exception: System.Exception

Thank you for your reply. I am using 4.2.0 and I tried 4.1.0, 4.0.0, and 3.3.0 . I've tried this against ~5 servers with no success. 

I have not reset the iLO. What would that entail? 


Re: HPEiLOCmdlets: RIBCL Exception: System.Exception



There are a number of methods for doing this, but the easiest is just to do it through the web GUI. All that should be required is to log into the iLO web server, then navigating to Information -> Diagnostics. On that page you will see a reset option. This will reset the iLO and it should come back up after approx 2 minutes.



I am an HPE Employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: HPEiLOCmdlets: RIBCL Exception: System.Exception

As much as I would like to do this our company has well over 700 HP servers which would defeat the purpose of what I'm trying to accomplish. To complicate matters if I use the ilorest tool (ilorest.exe) I'm able to log in, list, and set the changes I need. 

I'm going to try to see if I can't put the output from this into a variable for validation put would ultimately love to be able to use the native powershell tools. 


Re: HPEiLOCmdlets: RIBCL Exception: System.Exception

Hi There,

Thank you for the response.


Given the complexity and the extensiveness of the issue (<700 servers), It is highly recommended to log a support ticket at our HPE Support Center for faster and robust plan of action.


I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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