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Event was skipped, it was an old event (?)

Bill Slobodnik
Frequent Advisor

Event was skipped, it was an old event (?)

over the past view days, I have seen isolated incidents of emails not being sent for outages or traps recieved. I can see the events recorded in HPSIM, but the event handling results report the email notification fails, with an explanation stating "Event was skipped, it was an old event"
What are possible causes and/or solutions to this issue?
Bill Slobodnik
Frequent Advisor

Re: Event was skipped, it was an old event (?)

Also like to add that there is about a 6 minute delay between when the event occurs and when the email notification failure is logged.
Bill Slobodnik
Frequent Advisor

Re: Event was skipped, it was an old event (?)

one more bit of info. The mxdomainmgr.1936.out file shows the message below repeating frequently.

***** Error on SNMP Decode header
Bill Slobodnik
Frequent Advisor

Re: Event was skipped, it was an old event (?)

More info but still no cure. The HPSIM database resides on a different server. I noticed that during the data collection process the disk writes on the DB server would peg at 100% for sustained periods of time. The Event Skipped errors always occur during this process.

Anyone else experience this and have a successful fix?
Lawrance Lee_1

Re: Event was skipped, it was an old event (?)

Hi Bill,

I am also seeing the same "Error on SNMP Decode header" in my mxdomainmgr.0.log file, but I don't know what it means either.

This has started happening after I scheduled a task to "Delete Disk Thresholds on a Monthly basis" as described on page 320 of SIM 5.1 User Guide.

My SIM server seems to have it's CPU pegged by either sqlservr.exe process (2.7GB memory footprint) or mxdomainmgr.exe (1.2GB memory footprint), according to Windows Task Manager.

On my Central Management Server it is hosting both the HP SIM 5.1 as well as SQL database server.

My config is as follows:

Proliant BL25pG1
Dual proc single core 2.6Ghz AMD CPUs
HP SIM 5.1 SP1
Microsoft SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition (8.00.2187 SP4)

I am guessing that SIM is not able to get a specific response that it is expecting to hear back from a node that the task is being performed on.

I searched the SIM 5.1 user manual but it makes no reference to this "Error on SNMP Decode header" log entry. :(

I work for HPE.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Robert Streitz

Re: Event was skipped, it was an old event (?)


We are and have been experiencing the same issues (Event was skipped, it was an old event)with HP SIM 5.1 SP1. Not sure when it exactly started happening, but attempting to resolve now. Your thread is 2 years old, but any resolution information that you might recall, would be a great help. Thx.
Jeremy Kwiatkowski
New Member

Re: Event was skipped, it was an old event (?)

find a fix for "Event was skipped, it was an old event" we have the same issue. help, thanks
Robert Streitz

Re: Event was skipped, it was an old event (?)


We found that the events WERE considered OLD, due to the Hardware Inventory taking so long to complete each 10 minute cycle. This was caused by having too many Dynamic Collections created and running. The Dynamic Collections were causing the SQL Server (separate) to run at 100% utilitation. This in-turn was causing the hadware Inventory not completing, before the next Inventory began. We had 10's of Hardware Inventories running and NONE of them completing.

We eventually deleted ALL of our Dynamic Collections and created Static collections. This resolved the SQL Performance issue.

In addition, we had to remove SIM 5.1 SP1, due to it not upgrading properly. We had to upgrade to SIM 5.2, in-order to install ISEE/RSP, as required by Management. We have NOT had any flare-ups with SIM, SQL, or Notifications since all of this mantenance has been complete. Hope some of this helps.
