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Re: HP SIM 7.5.0 and Host File

Frequent Advisor

HP SIM 7.5.0 and Host File

I have updated HP SIM to version 7.5.0.
Now I have new server, these must integrated with the HostFile into HP SIM.

I'm wearing a new server in the host file. When i click "ok" I get the following message from SIM:

""There was a problem with your request, please try again later""


Any ideas to the message?

Honored Contributor

Re: HP SIM 7.5.0 and Host File



The post is a little vage, could you post a screenshot of the error?


You use a hostfile to add your servers?

Kind regards,

Frequent Advisor

Re: HP SIM 7.5.0 and Host File

Yes. I use a hostfile.

After editing i would like to save.


The message then:
23-09-2015 12-41-17.png

Honored Contributor

Re: HP SIM 7.5.0 and Host File

I still have a 7.4 setup so i'm not sure if the file still needs to be a specific type of format, perhaps SIM can generate a sample file for comparison?

Kind regards,

Occasional Advisor

Re: HP SIM 7.5.0 and Host File

Not sure if this could be related, but I had the same experience when attempting to import CA-signed certs in 7.5.  After much time wasted, I found the root cause to be some missing Java jar files.


To fix the problem I downloaded the Apache Commons IO binaries and extracted the jar files to 


C:\Program Files\HP\Systems Insight Manager\jboss\server\hpsim\lib  


After restarting the HP SIM service, everything worked like a charm.

..I'm sensing a soul in search of answers..
Honored Contributor

Re: HP SIM 7.5.0 and Host File



Strange thing is that there is no hotfix available yet so i would think it's not a known issue. But then again most people do updates from previous versions. I' ll install the 7.5 on a clean test setup and see what happens.

Kind regards,

Frequent Advisor

Re: HP SIM 7.5.0 and Host File

This solution works :-)