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Re: Management Processor Monitoring

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Andrew Schlafmann
Frequent Advisor

Management Processor Monitoring

In HP SIM 5.2SP2, is there a way to turn off the management processor reset messages? There are a bunch of our IT staff at a meeting and I don't want to disturb them with "management processor reset" messages every five minutes. They all have Blackberry's that receive HPSIM messages.
Rob Buxton
Honored Contributor

Re: Management Processor Monitoring

Not quite sure why you would get Management Processor reset messages every 5 minutes.

You can remove the Remote Insight Agent using the HP Management Agents GUI (via Control Panel) which stops the agents from reporting on the MP.
Andrew Schlafmann
Frequent Advisor

Re: Management Processor Monitoring

The reason I got them every five minutes was that I'd update one server and move on to the next. They weren't all coming from the same server. Sorry, probably should have clarified that before. Is removing it from management tools the only way to do it? There isn't a MIB that controls that kind of error?
Valued Contributor

Re: Management Processor Monitoring

If you can identify which MIB originates this trap, you can instruct SIM to ignore it. Go to Options -> Events -> SNMP Trap Settings... and then you can drill down on the MIBs. Once you find the particular trap, you can change it so that SIM doesn't even act on it. Change "Enable Trap Handling" to 'No' and click 'Ok'. This way, you won't even see the event in SIM and you could change it back after your updates are completed.
I'd tell you which MIB to use, but we just rebuilt our server and I have no examples to work from. If you post the text from the event, I may be able to point you at the MIB.
- Derek
Andrew Schlafmann
Frequent Advisor

Re: Management Processor Monitoring

he Management processor is currently in reset The management processor is currently in the process of being reset because of a firmware update or some other event. User action: None

Valued Contributor

Re: Management Processor Monitoring

You typically will see the title in SIM with the trap ID:
"POST Errors Occurred (6027)"
and when you click on it, you should get more info like what MIB it came from:
"Mib Information
The associated MIB File Name for this trap is cpqhlth.mib and the MIB identifier CPQHLTH-MIB"

This is what I use to ID what I need to modify. Do you have anything like this?
Andrew Schlafmann
Frequent Advisor

Re: Management Processor Monitoring

I do have the MIB listed. I'll go ahead and play around with it and see what happens.
Andrew Schlafmann
Frequent Advisor

Re: Management Processor Monitoring

Derek's suggestion helped me solve my issue