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Treat Your Partner Software Integrations as Bridges with Real ROI

HPE-PartnerIntegrations-Bridges-blog.jpgImagine a world without bridges. Any body of water or valley would become an obstacle for passage, slowing travel and communication. Fortunately, thatโ€™s not the case; millions of bridges all over the world allow people to move from one side to the other quickly and easily.

In the world of software development, partner integrations provide the same sort of benefit โ€“ a bridge between an enterpriseโ€™s infrastructure to developers and independent software vendors (ISVs). The design of this bridge allows ease of access from a variety of software applications to the hardware infrastructure. Due to the magic of APIs (the building blocks for these bridges), diverse software programs can be connected, allowing everyone to quickly and easily reap the benefits of this connectivity.

Software-defined intelligence and a single unified API

The key to easily bridging your infrastructure to the software applications you need to run is to define and manage it with software. Without a common, intelligent, infrastructure management solution, connecting tools to the infrastructure would require vastly different materials and tools every time. An infrastructure management solution with a unified API means that each time you connect a new tool, the process is quick and easy.

For example, the unified API in HPEโ€™s infrastructure management solution, HPE OneView, provides a single interface to discover, search, inventory, configure, provision, update, and diagnose the physical infrastructure. A single line of code fully describes and can provision the infrastructure required for an application, eliminating time-consuming scripting of calls to low-level tools and interfaces required by competitive offerings. Of note, some customers have told me it would take over 500 different calls to do this using other tools.

Streamlining integrations โ€“ faster and simpler connections

Once your data center is software-defined and streamlined with infrastructure management software like HPE OneView, you have the bridge needed to connect with other integration partners. This results in enhanced automation for IT and increased ease of access for DevOps.

For example, Morpheus is a next-gen multi-cloud automation and orchestration platform that helps enterprise customers move as fast as small agile startups. The application gives teams self-service to provision new application stacks, manage governance and security, and even control cloud use and cost across all of their clouds and platforms โ€ฆ on prem and off. Enterprise customers are using Morpheus to turn their often complex on-prem datacenters into a true private cloud, complete with an easy-to-use self-service catalog of applications. At the same time, businesses use Morpheus to standardize and govern how users are provisioning into the public cloud. Morpheus has directly integrated with HPE OneView so that organizations can deploy bare metal servers as-a-service just as easy as they would get a virtual machine in AWS or Azure. 

Chef Automate is another example of how businesses can easily automate the provisioning of an entire stack from bare metal to applications in minutes. By combining an HPE partnerโ€™s automation with HPE OneViewโ€™s ability to stage, schedule, and install firmware updates, entire stacks can be provisioned, updated, or changed very quickly.

Many DevOps teams are using containers to accelerate the delivery of new products and services. IT organizations are looking to support them with efficient container infrastructure. To simplify deployment of container hosts on physical infrastructure, IT teams often turn to automation tools like Ansible and Terraform. HPE OneView offers integrations with both of these automation tools, delivered the way developers want them on GitHub. With these types of integrations, organizations can enable the agile, fluid infrastructures that DevOps teams demand.

A growing number of ISV partners are taking advantage of the unified API in HPE OneView to automate solutions for customers. These partners range from large software suites like VMwareยฎ vCenter, Microsoftยฎ System Center, and Red Hat to focused solution providers such as Morpheus, Chef, Red Hat, CANCOM, and others. By integrating with the unified API in HPE OneView, ISVs can provide solutions that reduce the time their customers spend managing their environments.

Building a better bridge with partner integrations

HPE customers all over the world are automating their IT infrastructure to simplify their environments and be more competitive. Powered by HPE OneView, HPEโ€™s composable ecosystem of partners provides a bridge that will help businesses bypass obstacles and move faster and easier along their journey to a digital-first future.

To learn more about the benefits of HPE OneView and the extensive partner ecosystem HPE has built to help you on your software-defined journey, download the e-book: HPE OneView for Dummies.

About the author:

Frances Guida.jpg

Frances Guida leads product management for HPE OneView Automation and Ecosystem. Her team drives the direction for solutions that use the unified Composable API, a single, open API native in HPE OneView, to automate the provisioning, configuration, and monitoring of HPE infrastructure. By integrating with this unified API, ISVs can provide solutions that let customers reduce the time spent on managing their environments and accelerate time to value. With more than 25 years of experience in the IT industry, Guida has held a variety of roles at HP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise, which include product management for HP servers across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, managing HP alliances with leading independent software vendors and driving innovative programs for solutions. To read more articles from Frances, visit the HPE Shifting to Software-Defined blog site.

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