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Re: Reconfig tape Library MSL 3040

Occasional Contributor

Reconfig tape Library MSL 3040

Hi all,

We have 1 Tape Library MSL 3040 with 2 modules: Base (24 Tape Cartridges, 3 drive) and Extention Module (36 Tape Cartridges, 1 drive), I want to do some tests:
- Currently we only configure 1 Partation for all. I want to re-divide it into multiple Partations, is it possible, is there any guide to do this?
- Currently we do not Enable Mailslot, When I proceed to Enable Mailslot, the warning system "Configuring the mailslot affects the following partitions: Partation exists that I mentioned above". How does Enable affect an existing Partation.
Looking forward to everyone's advice.

Honored Contributor

Re: Reconfig tape Library MSL 3040

If you enable the Mailsots, the Library loses the Tape Slots, which are now used as Mail Slots.

The Partition needs to change as an effect of new Slot Numbering with fewer Tape Slots.

Creating Partitions is done by the Web GUI of the Libary.

For me, Partitions make only sense, if multiple Backup Servers share the same Libray.

Please consider, that every Partition needs its own Slots and Drives exclusive.


ACP IT Solutions AGI'm not an HPE employee, so I can be wrong.

Re: Reconfig tape Library MSL 3040

Hello @Kenvil-LHT,

Let us know if you were able to resolve the issue.

If you have no further query and you are satisfied with the answer then kindly mark the topic as Solved so that it is helpful for all community members.

Sunitha G
I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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