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Re: StoreOnce 5260 - NetBackup Catalyst slow performance

Occasional Contributor

StoreOnce 5260 - NetBackup Catalyst slow performance


We've recently integrated the new SO5260 into our infrastructure. Our intention is to replace the old Dell DD, which currently operates alongside NetBackup and Oracle Exadata X9M.

Before transitioning to the new hardware, we're conducting tests on the array using NetBackup 10.2 with a 10G connection, OST plugging 4.4.0, and RedHat 9.2.

During testing, the backup speeds have been inconsistent, ranging from 130-190MB/s without the accelerator enabled (we plan to activate it in the final production phase), which is considerably slower than anticipated.

When utilizing the NFS store, the network becomes the primary bottleneck. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in identifying and resolving this issue.

Thank you.


Re: StoreOnce 5260 - NetBackup Catalyst slow performance

Hello @bakra_1,

Here are the StoreOnce Catalyst best practices that can be useful when getting into the production.


Thanks & Regards,

Ashik N S

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Occasional Contributor

Re: StoreOnce 5260 - NetBackup Catalyst slow performance

Hello @neutral ,

Thanks for the reply. We've read all those articles, but could not find any issues with the configuration.


Re: StoreOnce 5260 - NetBackup Catalyst slow performance

Hello @bakra_1,

There might be scenarios that need analysis on this, for example:

- Catalyst Backups using CoFC or CoIP
- Performance of similar backup job reduces over time when a high amount of streams are in use
- Sometimes Incremental backup and restore are slower than Full backup of a large volume
- Housekeeping task. Here is the information on the Housekeeping function which might help you:

Hope this will give you some insight to troubleshoot, if not kindly reach out to HOE Support for deep analysts and fix.

Thank You,


Best regards,

Ashik N S



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