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PDL changed in HPE Support Portal can't log cases

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PDL changed in HPE Support Portal can't log cases

When a PDL is changed in the support portal is there any additional steps?  If not, why would there be an error message when attempting to login? Could it be user, server related?


Re: PDL changed in HPE Support Portal can't log cases

Hello @DeAndrea_D,

Thank you for reaching out to us! 

Regarding your inability to log a case in the support site, we have reported this to the respective team, someone from the team will check and get back to you. 

If you are facing any login issues, please use the following link and report the issue. So the concerned team can quickly look into it:



Sunitha G
I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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