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Powershell: Remove a Volume that is in a VolumeCollection?

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Powershell: Remove a Volume that is in a VolumeCollection?

Hi All!

I have a powershell script that is refreshing volumes, but has one flaw.

I want to drop a volume (let's say for a test box) and then create a clone from a snapshot (let's say the latest Production Snapshot).

To delete the volume I have to remove it from the volume collection first.  A pain...and it really isn't automated this way.

So it would be great if I could remove the volume from the powershell script or force the delete on the volume.

Has anybody done this?

Any help would be appreciated.



Trusted Contributor

Re: Powershell: Remove a Volume that is in a VolumeCollection?

Hi Jeff,

In NimbleOS 2.3, there are REST APIs available that you can use to do exactly this.  (I have a blog post coming soon that explains this in more detail.)  The following PowerShell code will call the API and do exactly what you need.  It first modifies the volume to take it offline and set its volcoll id to an empty string. This disassociates the volume from the volcoll.  Then it makes another API call to delete the volume once it's offline:


if ($vol -eq "") {

  write-host "`n`nUsage: delete-volume <VOLUME>`n`n";




# Enable HTTPS


[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}


# Get Token


$array = "<ARRAYNAME>"

$username = "admin"

$password = "<PASSWORD>"

$data = @{

    username = $username

    password = $password


$body = convertto-json (@{ data = $data })

$uri = "https://" + $array + ":5392/v1/tokens"

$token = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $body

$token = $


# Find a Volume by Name


$header = @{ "X-Auth-Token" = $token }

$uri = "https://" + $array + ":5392/v1/volumes"

$volume_list = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Header $header

foreach ($volume_id in ${

  $uri = "https://" + $array + ":5392/v1/volumes/" + $volume_id

  $volume = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Header $header

  if ($ -eq $vol){

  $vol_id = $



write-host "`n`nDeleting volume $vol with ID: $vol_id`n";


# Offline a Volume and Disassociate from volcoll


$data = @{

  online = "false"

  force = "true"

  volcoll_id = ""


$body = convertto-json (@{ data = $data })

$header = @{ "X-Auth-Token" = $token }

$uri = "https://" + $array + ":5392/v1/volumes/" + $vol_id

$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Put -Body $body -Header $header


# Delete a Volume


$header = @{ "X-Auth-Token" = $token }

$uri = "https://" + $array + ":5392/v1/volumes/" + $vol_id

$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Delete -Header $header

