Array Setup and Networking
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We need to change the Management IP address for Nimble Model HF20 running on

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We need to change the Management IP address for Nimble Model HF20 running on

we need a plan of action on how we can change the ip address for Nimble Cluster IP, Nimble Controller-A, and Nimble Controller-B IP address without losing connection with Array. do we need to also change ip address for VMware Integration,


Your goal is to change the management IP / VLAN?




Re: We need to change the Management IP address for Nimble Model HF20 running on

HI Naveen,

The management IP addresses can be changed online, assuming you have access to both networks. My recommendation would be to go to the Nimble GUI > Administration > Network > Configure Active Settings.


From here there is an option to "Save as draft" in the top right corner. Once saved, go back to Administration > Network and select "Configure Draft Settings". You can then go in and make all the necessary changes to the networks. This will not change the active settings, it will only prepare the changes.


Once you are done, I would advise on having physical access to the Array when you are to make the changes in case of any issues i.e. an incorrect configuration or mistake.

When ready to make the change. Select Administration > Network > Configure Draft Settings > Make Active.


I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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